This project provides a GUI tool for validating downloadable participation pool archives of a lottery draw. It applies multiple checks to validate the json documents concerned to a lottery product order (e.g. check the signatures, timestamps etc.). For more details about the domain, the performed checks and a description of the structure of downloadable participation pool archives see
To build the project run
sbt clean compile stage
This will compile the project and create a directory target/universal/stage in the project-directory. The stage directory contains a subfolder 'bin' with start-scripts for Windows and Linux and a subfolder 'lib' containing the required depedencies (jar-files). To deploy the application copy the stage directory to the desired location and rename it as needed. The Java heap size can be adjusted via variable CFG_OPTS in the start scripts, e.g.
set CFG_OPTS=-Xmx2G
A heap size of 2 GB (2G) or more is recommended!
The sbt file also includes a task to create a Windows x64 executable wrapper containing all jars.
- install Ant and launch4j if so
- define system variable LAUNCH4J_HOME
- run..
sbt launch4j
The poolvalidator.exe is created in the target directory. In order to get a working distribution the poolvalidator.exe should be copied in a directory like this:
The bundled jre (at least jre1.8.0_74) is expected to be in the jre directory. The heapsize can be configured in the poolvalidator.l4j.ini:
# Launch4j runtime config