The project is Jupyter notebook that provides different tools that can be used during a mapathon.
For running the following packages are needed and is tested with that version:
- Folium
- Jupyter Notebook
- Pandas
- Overpass
The requirements could be installed using:
pip instal -r requirements.txt
Brief description of the different option
The first tool can be used during a mapathon to evaluate who mapped the high number of building, check also if some user didn't insert the tag. The parameters to be set are:
- the bounding box
- the time of the event (must be converted in UTC format)
(OLD VERSION) This tool can be used to evaluate how a group of user mapped building during a certain time span. The parameters to be set are:
- the bounding box
- the days to analyze
- the list of the username, to be inserted in the file user_list.csv add a username for each line
- Analysis of other elements mapped (ex. roads).