HoHoHoliday season release
Breaking change
Poetry v1.3.0 or more recent is now required, please upgrade to the latest version.
New features:
- See Lacus release notes for v1.2.0 if you want more details on the changes regarding the captures.
- Temporary local storage of captures if Lacus web-service isn't reachable temporarily
- Submit and view a HAR file captured somewhere else, or a full Lookyloo capture from an other instance
- Show status of captures when they're submitted in bulk
- List of all downloadable contents for a capture in a modal (from the tree view ->
Download capture elements
- Catch and stop script when generating a tree takes too long
- [har2tree] Avoid exception when a node doesn't have a pageref
- [har2tree] Better use of BeautifulSoup
- [har2tree] Better handling of nodes that aren't loading a URL
- [har2tree] Improve mimetime detection in HTTP responses
- [har2tree] Improve decoding of POSTed data
- Use more recent Flask and flask-restx
- Bump deps (Python ans JS)
- Major logging improvements in Lookyloo, LacusCore, PlaywrightCapture and har2tree