To have the bot join your channel, please head to'
To make sure the bot can bypass any URL restrictions, please make sure you type
/mod LogicEFTBot
in your chat after authorizing (or /VIP the bot). Once you 'authorize' the bot should join your channel within 1-2 minutes!
The bot has very basic and has only one moderation command which you can find below. Currently all commands with Type of cooldown
are all under the same cooldown. This means that if any command with Type cooldown
is used successfully all other commands with Type of cooldown
are under cooldown. Each channel has their own cooldown
with a default of 10 seconds.
Command | Type | Usage |
!armor | cooldown |
Retrieves the class, durability, and protection zones of an armor. Ex: !armor slick |
!armorstats | cooldown |
Retrieves the effective durablity, move speed, turn speed, and ergonomic penalties. Ex: !armorstats slick |
!astat | cooldown |
Retrieves in-game ammo flesh and penetration values. Ex: !astat 9x19 RIP |
!helmet | cooldown |
Retrieves the class, durability, ricochet chance, and protection zones of an helmet. Ex: !helmet altyn |
!helmetstats | cooldown |
Retrieves the move speed, turn speed, and ergonomic penalties. Ex: !helmetstats altyn |
!medical | cooldown |
Retrieves medical item use time. Ex: !medical surv |
!price | cooldown |
Retrieves flea market price. Ex: !price Slick |
!slot | cooldown |
Retrieves price per slot of item based off the flea market. Ex: !slot Slick |
!wiki | cooldown |
Retrieves EFT Wiki Link of item requested. Ex: !wiki slick |
!help | information |
Display this help message. |
!eftbot | information |
Display this help message. |
!setCD | moderator** |
Sets the cooldown for the bot in seconds. |
!setLang | moderator** |
Changes the bot localization for your channel. Options are en , es , de , nl , tr, and ru. |
Commands denoted with
are reserved to "Moderators" and the "Streamer" of the channel the bot is in.
Note - All cooldown
commands do not require exact search entries. Some examples can be found below:
- !astat 995 >>
The flesh damage of 5.56x45 M995 is: 40 and the armor penetration is: 53.
- !astat 545x39 BS >>
The flesh damage of 545x39 BS is: 40 and the armor penetration is: 51.
- !medical surv >>
The usage time of Surv12 is: 20 seconds.
- !price slick >>
The price of LBT 6094A Slick Plate Carrier (80/80) is: 390,000 roubles.
- !slot slick >>
The price per slot of LBT 6094A Slick Plate Carrier (80/80) is: 43333 rubles.
- !armor slick >>
LBT 6094A Slick Plate Carrier is a level 6 armor with a max durablity of 80 and protects the Thorax.
- !wiki slick >>
The link to the wiki is
- !setCD 5 >>
Sets the cooldown for the bot to 5 seconds
- !setLang en >>
Sets the bots language to English. Valid codes: en , es , de , nl , tr , ru
API Calls are redacted or else my bot would be useless - big thanks to both and for their API's that power this project!