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Sara Gaudon edited this page Apr 13, 2016 · 3 revisions

DHIS2 provides all the elements of a fully functional monitoring and evaluation system. It combines a data warehouse, individual client tracking, data entry forms, sophisticated reporting and geographic mapping, and individualized dashboards. DHIS2 is used in 49 countries and in many major NGOs including Doctors Without Borders, The Global Fund, PEPFAR and PSI, and has been adopted as the national health information system of over 12 nations.

Most help on DHIS2 can be found at, including documentation, demos and tutorials. You can also join the mailing lists for users and developers, and check out the development roadmap on launchpad.

We are especially interested in creating templates for non-health sectors to expand the usefulness of DHIS2. We will share our tools and templates freely with the international community.

See our slidedeck, A monitoring and evaluation platform for nonprofits: DHIS2 Quick Start - it is stored in Zenodo, an international research repository.