Some of my Linux configuration files
Place the file at a location of your choosing. Then add this command to your .bash_aliases:
alias rm='python3 /path/to/'
This probably exists in bash... But when I wrote this I used zsh and found this to be the easiest solution.
This comes with minial changes. The 'tilde' key now has an tilde on it.
cp se_custom /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/se
The second changed, se_specark
is a bit more special. It contains some weirder keycombination, that, I hope, should be nice to use while programming.
A great utility while creating these layout are xev | grep keysym
and the website Table of keysyms in X11
There are some awesome config files.
The config expects
to be in .local/bin/
. This scripts simply lanch dmenu but load the aliases before.
In connection with awesome you might also want to use slock. The service file is in the repo which can be enabled by systemctl enable slock@user
There are used more in my awesome config. To enable tapping and so on, same principle. Arch libinput
sudo libinput list-devices
xinput list-props "Name of touchpad device"
xinput set-prop "Name of touchpad device" "libinput Tapping Drag Enabled" 0
Service file exists in repo, place in /etc/systemd/system/undervolt.service
This is now done via .xbacklight script, that uses xrandr and some awk (I really should learn it :)) to add or reduce the current brightness.
It currently does so in steps of 0.1 between 0 and 1 and loops at the edges.
Install emacs vs 28 (as of 2022-02-27) with native compilation Then add the doom configuration
Install syntax highlighting plugin, place in $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins