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how to: install and configure (fast method)

Konrad Höffner edited this page Mar 21, 2022 · 4 revisions

download and compile

git clone
cd LodView
mvn compile war:war

run locally

mvn jetty:run

deploy on tomcat

suppose you have tomcat installed in /var/lib/tomcat7

cp -r target/lodview /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps

configure for your domain

nano /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/lodview/WEB-INF/conf.ttl

you have to configure conf:IRInamespace and conf:endpoint at least, if you have a resource like you have to set

conf:IRInamespace <>;
conf:endpoint <>;

configure apache

add to your site configuration file

ProxyPass /id http://localhost:8080/lodview

or better

ProxyPass /id ajp://localhost:8009/lodview

very important

don't forget to add URIEnconding="UTF-8" to your tomcat 8080 connector (or url-charset="UTF-8" to your WildFly http-listener) if you are going to publish IRI likeà