See LP developer site for API docs and guides:
This repository contains Node.js, Java, Python, and R examples for the LiveEngage Skills API.
This is a basic example of how to connect to the Skills API in Java by using Scribe. In order to run the example you will need to update the file with your Skills API credentials.
Thank you David Eleff for providing this example code.
This is a basic example of how to connect to the Skills API in NodeJS by using the request module. The example shows how you can get all of the skills that are on your account, how to get more information for a single skill by using their id, and how to create a skill using the API. In order to run this example you will need to update the js file with your Skills API credentials.
In order to run these examples, you will need to install the request module. To install the module just run:
npm install request
This is a basic example of how to connect to the Skills API in Python by using the requests_oauthlib library. The example shows how you can get all of the skills that are on your account, and how to get more information for a single skill by using their id. In order to run this example you will need to update the file with your Skills API credentials.
This example works with Python 3.5.
This is a basic example of how to connect to the Skills API in R by using the httr library. In order to run this example you will need to update the getAllSkills.R file with your SKills API credentials.