Load Datasets Started...
Load Datasets Ended...
1000209it [00:01, 575861.92it/s]
len item = 900188, len user = 900188, len rate = 900188
len item = 100021, len user = 100021, len rate = 100021
len train loader = 880 len test loader = 391
MSE:0.9499 ; RMSE:0.9746; MAE:0.7809
MSE:0.8173 ; RMSE:0.9040; MAE:0.7136
MSE:0.7812 ; RMSE:0.8838; MAE:0.6945
MSE:0.7608 ; RMSE:0.8723; MAE:0.6838
MSE:0.7461 ; RMSE:0.8638; MAE:0.6765
MSE:0.7349 ; RMSE:0.8573; MAE:0.6708
MSE:0.7266 ; RMSE:0.8524; MAE:0.6666
MSE:0.7210 ; RMSE:0.8491; MAE:0.6638
MSE:0.7183 ; RMSE:0.8475; MAE:0.6626
MSE:0.7185 ; RMSE:0.8477; MAE:0.6627
MSE:0.7211 ; RMSE:0.8492; MAE:0.6639
MSE:0.7263 ; RMSE:0.8522; MAE:0.6664
MSE:0.7336 ; RMSE:0.8565; MAE:0.6698
MSE:0.7426 ; RMSE:0.8618; MAE:0.6741
Early stopping!
MSE:0.7183 ; RMSE:0.8475; MAE:0.6626(Results for Validation)
Less Than 3.5s Time to Train 1 Epoch
AMD 3600 + NVIDIA 1080 Ti
Less Than 1s to Predict The Top10 Results For All User(6040 Users)
The Results is The Same as discribled in Paper:
Failed Method : norm, uniform, kaiming_init
Succuss Method: xavier_uniform_
Failed Method:
1. dropout in embedding product
2. dropout in embedding layer
3. too large or small weight decay
Succuss Method:
1. approporiate weight decay: 1e-5(try from 1e-3 to 1e-6)
2. early stop
Generate a dataLoader for all unseen(Negative) \
User-Item Samples will Cost Much Longer Time Than \
Matrix Operation Using Gpus.
1. Collaborative Metric Learning (How to Fast Predict All The Negative Samples For Very Large User-Item Matrix: eg 60w+ Users 3000+ Items)
When we use SVD to predict all the negative sample to fill User-Item Matrix,
Gpu can be Used to accelerate Calculation by Matrix Multiply. (Can be Finished In 1 minute)
If we Generate A DataLoader For all Negative Sample:
num_samples = num_users * num_items
u = num_sample // num_users
v = num_sample % num_items
This Need More Than 10h to Fill The User-Item Matrix
Now We Random split Part of the Training Data for Evaluation to Avoid Overfit. However,
The Part of Evaluation Data Can never Used In Train