This features an animated player synced proportionally with a time-stamped location in a song. Its clickable components include a play/pause toggle button, fastforward/rewind buttons, shuffle/repeat buttons, hover volume control, album thumbnails, a like button, and a "up next" pop up menu. The "up next" pop up menu also features a button to clear the list, a toggle to autoplay upcoming tracks, as well as like buttons and a pop-up options menu for each track. The menu allows you to like, share, add or remove from "next up", add to a playlist, or start a radio station of related tracks.
Some usage instructions
- Node 6.13.1
From within the root directory:
npm install
From within the root directory, do each of the following:
- Run webpack to build bundle.js
npm run build
- Start the server at port 3020
npm start
- Create a copy of config.example.js
- Save the new file as config.js and enter your mysql password or '' if not using a password
- If using a mysql password:
npm run db
- If not using a mysql password:
npm run db-nopassword