Simple example of todoApp using [Spark] (, [MongoDB] (, [Groovy] (, [Jongo] ( and [Java8] (
I started to work with Mongo for the first time with nodejs, it was a great experience with nodejs (I really like javascript... Really!!!), but why couldn't it be nice using groovy? So I decided to join the best of two worlds using NoSQL (Not-Only SQL) with my favorite programming language
- Be easy to change
- Be fast
- Be readable
- Be scalable
- Have DAOs really reusable, not like SQL (
String select = "SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE X = ?"
Within your terminal/prompt/powershell run the following commands (Ctrl + C) (Ctrl + V)
vagrant up
mvn compile exec:java
Within your terminal run the following commands (Ctrl + C) (Ctrl + V)
mongod --smallfiles &
wget -qO- | sh
wget -qO- | sh
wget -qO- | bash
mvn compile exec:java
The command above installs jdk 8, maven 3.2.5, maven runner and starts mongodb