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Key Mapping

Minggang Li edited this page Aug 15, 2017 · 3 revisions


Shortcut Menu Function
Ctrl-N &New File Create a new file
Ctrl-O &Open File... Open an existing file
Ctrl-S &Save File Save the file
Save &As... Save the file with a new name
Ctrl-Shift-S Sa&ve All Save all files
Ctrl-R &Reload File Reload the file
Ctrl-F4 &Close File Close the file
C&lose All Close all files
Close All But This Close all files but this
Close All To The Left Close all files to the left
Close All To The Right Close all files to the right
Set/Clear ReadOnly Flag Set/Clear ReadOnly flag of the file
Page Set&up... Setup the pages for printing
Print Previe&w... Preview the result of printing
Ctrl-P &Print... Print the file
Recent Files
E&xit Quit MadEdit


Shortcut Menu Function
Ctrl-Z &Undo Undo the last action
Ctrl-Y &Redo Redo the previously undone action
Ctrl-X Cu&t Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard
Ctrl-C &Copy Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard
Ctrl-V &Paste Insert data from the Clipboard
DEL &Delete Delete data
Ctrl-Shift-L Cut L&ine Cut the selected lines and put it on the Clipboard
Ctrl-L Delete &Line Delete the selected lines
Ctrl-Alt-L Delete Empty Lines Delete empty lines
Delete Empty Lines With Spaces Delete empty lines with spaces
Ctrl-J Join Lines Join selected lines into one
Ctrl-A Select &All Select all data
Begin/End Select Select all data
Ctrl-~ Insert Ta&b Char Insert a Tab char at current position
F7 Insert Dat&e and Time Insert date and time at current position
Copy Bookmarked Lines Copy Bookmarked Lines
Cut Bookmarked Lines Cut Bookmarked Lines
Delete Bookmarked Lines Delete Bookmarked Lines
Delete Unmarked Lines Delete Unmarked Lines
Replace Bookmarked Lines Replace Bookmarked Lines
Copy As &Hex String Copy the selection as hex-string
Copy As He&x String with Space Copy the selection as hex-string with space
Copy Value &Reverted from Hex String Copy the selection reverted from hex-string
&Increase Indent Increase the indent of seleted lines
Shift-TAB &Decrease Indent Decrease the indent of seleted lines
Ctrl-M &Comment Comment out the selected lines
Ctrl-Shift-M &Uncomment Uncomment the selected lines
WordWraps To NewLine Chars Convert WordWraps to NewLine chars in the file or selection
NewLine Chars To WordWraps Convert NewLine chars to WordWraps in the selection
Ctrl-U To U&pperCase Convert the selection to uppercase
Ctrl-Shift-U To L&owerCase Convert the selection to lowercase
Ctrl-Alt-U Inver&t Case Invert the case of the selection
Capitalize Capitalize words of the selection
To H&alfwidth Convert the selection to halfwidth
To Halfwidth by Options... Convert the selection to halfwidth by options
To &Fullwidth Convert the selection to fullwidth
To Fullwidth by Options... Convert the selection to fullwidth by options
Tab Chars To Space Chars Convert Tab chars to Space chars in the selection
Space Chars To Tab Chars Convert Space chars to Tab chars in the selection
Tri&m Trailing Spaces Trim trailing spaces at the end of lines
Insert Incremental numbers... Insert incremental numbers with step and padding at current caret
Column Align Column Align
Sort Lines (&Ascending) Sort the selected or all lines in ascending order
Sort Lines (&Descending) Sort the selected or all lines in descending order
Sort Lines (A&scending, CaseSensitive) Sort lines in ascending order and with case-sensitive
Sort Lines (D&escending, CaseSensitive) Sort lines in descending order and with case-sensitive
Sort Lines by &Current Options Sort the selected or all lines by using current options
Sort &Options... Set the sort options


Shortcut Menu Function
Ctrl-F &Find... Find a string
F3 Find &Next Find next occurrence
Ctrl-F3 Find &Previous Find previous occurrence
F8 &Quick Find Find a string
Ctrl-H &Replace... Replace a string
Ctrl-Shift-F Fin&d/Replace in Files... Find or replace a string in files
Ctrl-Shift-R &Show/Hide the Results of Find/Replace in Files Show or hide the results of find or replace a string in files
Ctrl-G &Go To Line... Go to the specified line
Ctrl-Shift-G G&o To Position... Go to the specified position
Ctrl-[ Go To L&eft Brace Go to left brace
Ctrl-] Go To R&ight Brace Go to right brace
Ctrl-F2 Toggle/Remove Bookmark Toggle Bookmark at current line
F2 Go To Next Bookmark Go to the next bookmark
Shift-F2 Go To Previous Bookmark Go to the previous bookmark
Clear All Bookmarks Clear All Bookmarks
Set Font... Change font settings
Ctrl-Alt-F &Fixed Width Mode Set/Unset the font with Fixed Width
Ctrl-Q &No Wrap Do not wrap lines
Ctrl-W Wrap By &Window Wrap the lines by the window width
Ctrl-E Wrap By Column Wrap the lines by the specified Max Columns
Ctrl-Alt-D &Display Line Number Display the Line Numbers
Ctrl-Alt-B Display &Bookmark Display the Bookmark sign
Display 80th Cols &Hint Display the 80th columns hint
Ctrl-Alt-L Show End Of Line Show the sign of EndOfLine
Ctrl-Alt-T Show Tab Char Show the sign of Tab char
Ctrl-Alt-S Show Space Char Show the sign of Space char
Ctrl-Alt-A Show All Chars Show the sign of all characters
Mark Active Line Mark the current line
Mark Brace Pair Mark the BracePair under the caret
Ctrl-K Spell Checker Spell checker
Toggle Main Toolbar Show/Hide Main Toolbar
Alt-1 &Text Mode Change the editing mode to Text-Mode
Alt-2 &Column Mode Change the editing mode to Column-Mode
Alt-3 &Hex Mode Change the editing mode to Hex-Mode
Preview as:


Shortcut Menu Function
Run TemporayMacro Run temporary macro
Load Saved MacroScript... Load saved macro script
Start Recording Start Recording
Stop Recording Stop Recording
Playback Playback
Save Currently Recorded Macro... Save Currently Recorded Macro
Local Script List
Macro Debug Mode Show Macro running output for debugging


Shortcut Menu Function
&Options... Change the configuration
&Syntax Highlighting Settings... Change syntax highlighting settings
&File Type Associations... Change file type associations
&Purge Histories... Clearing out your history
Has Unicode BOM (Byte-Order Mark)
Add/Remove BOM Add/Remove Unicode BOM
NewLine Char (File Format):
Convert To CRLF/0D0A (&DOS) Convert the file format to DOS format
Convert To CR/0D (Old &MAC) Convert the file format to MAC format
Convert To LF/0A (&UNIX/OSX) Convert the file format to UNIX format
Press Enter to Insert NewLine Char:
Insert CRLF/0D0A (&DOS) Insert CR&LF chars when pressing Enter key
Insert CR/0D (Old &MAC) Insert CR char when pressing Enter key
Insert LF/0A (&UNIX/OSX) Insert LF char when pressing Enter key
Convert File &Encoding... Convert to the specified encoding
Convert &Chinese Char
File: Simplified Chinese to &Traditional Chinese Convert simplified Chinese chars to traditional Chinese chars in the file
File: Traditional Chinese to &Simplified Chinese Convert traditional Chinese chars to simplified Chinese chars in the file
File: Japanese Kanji to Tr&aditional Chinese Convert Japanese Kanji to traditional Chinese chars in the file
File: Japanese Kanji to Si&mplified Chinese Convert Japanese Kanji to simplified Chinese chars in the file
File: Chinese to &Japanese Kanji Convert Chinese chars to Japanese Kanji in the file
Clipboard: Simplified Chinese to T&raditional Chinese Convert simplified Chinese chars to traditional Chinese chars in the clipboard
Clipboard: Traditional Chinese to S&implified Chinese Convert traditional Chinese chars to simplified Chinese chars in the clipboard
Clipboard: Japanese Kanji to Tra&ditional Chinese Convert Japanese Kanji to traditional Chinese chars in the clipboard
Clipboard: Japanese Kanji to Sim&plified Chinese Convert Japanese Kanji to simplified Chinese chars in the clipboard
Clipboard: Chinese to Japanese &Kanji Convert Chinese chars to Japanese Kanji in the clipboard
Text Converter/Formatter
&Markdown to HTML Convert Markdown to HTML
&HTML to Plain Text Convert HTML to Plain Text
&Astyle(C++/C#/Java/ObjC) Format selection or whole file(C++/C#/Java)
&XML Formatter Format XML(whole file)
&Word Count... Count the words and chars of the file or selection


Shortcut Menu Function
Ctrl-TAB &Toggle Window Switch to the previous active window
F5 &Previous Window Activate the previous window
F6 &Next Window Activate the next window
&About MadEdit-Mod...

Alphabet List

Shortcut Menu Function
&About MadEdit-Mod...
&Astyle(C++/C#/Java/ObjC) Format selection or whole file(C++/C#/Java)
&File Type Associations... Change file type associations
&HTML to Plain Text Convert HTML to Plain Text
&Increase Indent Increase the indent of seleted lines
&Markdown to HTML Convert Markdown to HTML
&Options... Change the configuration
&Purge Histories... Clearing out your history
&Syntax Highlighting Settings... Change syntax highlighting settings
&Word Count... Count the words and chars of the file or selection
&XML Formatter Format XML(whole file)
Add/Remove BOM Add/Remove Unicode BOM
All Encodings
Begin/End Select Select all data
C&lose All Close all files
Capitalize Capitalize words of the selection
Clear All Bookmarks Clear All Bookmarks
Clipboard: Chinese to Japanese &Kanji Convert Chinese chars to Japanese Kanji in the clipboard
Clipboard: Japanese Kanji to Sim&plified Chinese Convert Japanese Kanji to simplified Chinese chars in the clipboard
Clipboard: Japanese Kanji to Tra&ditional Chinese Convert Japanese Kanji to traditional Chinese chars in the clipboard
Clipboard: Simplified Chinese to T&raditional Chinese Convert simplified Chinese chars to traditional Chinese chars in the clipboard
Clipboard: Traditional Chinese to S&implified Chinese Convert traditional Chinese chars to simplified Chinese chars in the clipboard
Close All But This Close all files but this
Close All To The Left Close all files to the left
Close All To The Right Close all files to the right
Column Align Column Align
Convert &Chinese Char
Convert File &Encoding... Convert to the specified encoding
Convert To CR/0D (Old &MAC) Convert the file format to MAC format
Convert To CRLF/0D0A (&DOS) Convert the file format to DOS format
Convert To LF/0A (&UNIX/OSX) Convert the file format to UNIX format
Copy As &Hex String Copy the selection as hex-string
Copy As He&x String with Space Copy the selection as hex-string with space
Copy Bookmarked Lines Copy Bookmarked Lines
Copy Value &Reverted from Hex String Copy the selection reverted from hex-string
Cut Bookmarked Lines Cut Bookmarked Lines
Delete Bookmarked Lines Delete Bookmarked Lines
Delete Empty Lines With Spaces Delete empty lines with spaces
Delete Unmarked Lines Delete Unmarked Lines
Display 80th Cols &Hint Display the 80th columns hint
E&xit Quit MadEdit
File: Chinese to &Japanese Kanji Convert Chinese chars to Japanese Kanji in the file
File: Japanese Kanji to Si&mplified Chinese Convert Japanese Kanji to simplified Chinese chars in the file
File: Japanese Kanji to Tr&aditional Chinese Convert Japanese Kanji to traditional Chinese chars in the file
File: Simplified Chinese to &Traditional Chinese Convert simplified Chinese chars to traditional Chinese chars in the file
File: Traditional Chinese to &Simplified Chinese Convert traditional Chinese chars to simplified Chinese chars in the file
Font Name:
Font Size:
Has Unicode BOM (Byte-Order Mark)
Insert CR/0D (Old &MAC) Insert CR char when pressing Enter key
Insert CRLF/0D0A (&DOS) Insert CR&LF chars when pressing Enter key
Insert Incremental numbers... Insert incremental numbers with step and padding at current caret
Insert LF/0A (&UNIX/OSX) Insert LF char when pressing Enter key
Line Spacing:
Load Saved MacroScript... Load saved macro script
Local Script List
Macro Debug Mode Show Macro running output for debugging
Mark Active Line Mark the current line
Mark Brace Pair Mark the BracePair under the caret
NewLine Char (File Format):
NewLine Chars To WordWraps Convert NewLine chars to WordWraps in the selection
Page Set&up... Setup the pages for printing
Playback Playback
Press Enter to Insert NewLine Char:
Preview as:
Print Previe&w... Preview the result of printing
Recent Files
Replace Bookmarked Lines Replace Bookmarked Lines
Run TemporayMacro Run temporary macro
Save &As... Save the file with a new name
Save Currently Recorded Macro... Save Currently Recorded Macro
Set Font... Change font settings
Set/Clear ReadOnly Flag Set/Clear ReadOnly flag of the file
Sort &Options... Set the sort options
Sort Lines (&Ascending) Sort the selected or all lines in ascending order
Sort Lines (&Descending) Sort the selected or all lines in descending order
Sort Lines (A&scending, CaseSensitive) Sort lines in ascending order and with case-sensitive
Sort Lines (D&escending, CaseSensitive) Sort lines in descending order and with case-sensitive
Sort Lines by &Current Options Sort the selected or all lines by using current options
Space Chars To Tab Chars Convert Space chars to Tab chars in the selection
Start Recording Start Recording
Stop Recording Stop Recording
Syntax Type:
Tab Chars To Space Chars Convert Tab chars to Space chars in the selection
Tab Column:
Text Converter/Formatter
To &Fullwidth Convert the selection to fullwidth
To Fullwidth by Options... Convert the selection to fullwidth by options
To H&alfwidth Convert the selection to halfwidth
To Halfwidth by Options... Convert the selection to halfwidth by options
Toggle Main Toolbar Show/Hide Main Toolbar
Tri&m Trailing Spaces Trim trailing spaces at the end of lines
WordWraps To NewLine Chars Convert WordWraps to NewLine chars in the file or selection
Alt-1 &Text Mode Change the editing mode to Text-Mode
Alt-2 &Column Mode Change the editing mode to Column-Mode
Alt-3 &Hex Mode Change the editing mode to Hex-Mode
Ctrl-A Select &All Select all data
Ctrl-Alt-A Show All Chars Show the sign of all characters
Ctrl-Alt-B Display &Bookmark Display the Bookmark sign
Ctrl-Alt-D &Display Line Number Display the Line Numbers
Ctrl-Alt-F &Fixed Width Mode Set/Unset the font with Fixed Width
Ctrl-Alt-L Delete Empty Lines Delete empty lines
Ctrl-Alt-L Show End Of Line Show the sign of EndOfLine
Ctrl-Alt-S Show Space Char Show the sign of Space char
Ctrl-Alt-T Show Tab Char Show the sign of Tab char
Ctrl-Alt-U Inver&t Case Invert the case of the selection
Ctrl-C &Copy Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard
Ctrl-E Wrap By Column Wrap the lines by the specified Max Columns
Ctrl-F &Find... Find a string
Ctrl-F2 Toggle/Remove Bookmark Toggle Bookmark at current line
Ctrl-F3 Find &Previous Find previous occurrence
Ctrl-F4 &Close File Close the file
Ctrl-G &Go To Line... Go to the specified line
Ctrl-H &Replace... Replace a string
Ctrl-J Join Lines Join selected lines into one
Ctrl-K Spell Checker Spell checker
Ctrl-L Delete &Line Delete the selected lines
Ctrl-M &Comment Comment out the selected lines
Ctrl-N &New File Create a new file
Ctrl-O &Open File... Open an existing file
Ctrl-P &Print... Print the file
Ctrl-Q &No Wrap Do not wrap lines
Ctrl-R &Reload File Reload the file
Ctrl-S &Save File Save the file
Ctrl-Shift-F Fin&d/Replace in Files... Find or replace a string in files
Ctrl-Shift-G G&o To Position... Go to the specified position
Ctrl-Shift-L Cut L&ine Cut the selected lines and put it on the Clipboard
Ctrl-Shift-M &Uncomment Uncomment the selected lines
Ctrl-Shift-R &Show/Hide the Results of Find/Replace in Files Show or hide the results of find or replace a string in files
Ctrl-Shift-S Sa&ve All Save all files
Ctrl-Shift-U To L&owerCase Convert the selection to lowercase
Ctrl-TAB &Toggle Window Switch to the previous active window
Ctrl-U To U&pperCase Convert the selection to uppercase
Ctrl-V &Paste Insert data from the Clipboard
Ctrl-W Wrap By &Window Wrap the lines by the window width
Ctrl-X Cu&t Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard
Ctrl-Y &Redo Redo the previously undone action
Ctrl-Z &Undo Undo the last action
Ctrl-[ Go To L&eft Brace Go to left brace
Ctrl-] Go To R&ight Brace Go to right brace
Ctrl-~ Insert Ta&b Char Insert a Tab char at current position
DEL &Delete Delete data
F2 Go To Next Bookmark Go to the next bookmark
F3 Find &Next Find next occurrence
F5 &Previous Window Activate the previous window
F6 &Next Window Activate the next window
F7 Insert Dat&e and Time Insert date and time at current position
F8 &Quick Find Find a string
Shift-F2 Go To Previous Bookmark Go to the previous bookmark
Shift-TAB &Decrease Indent Decrease the indent of seleted lines


Shortcut Menu Function
Ctrl+MiddleWheel Zoom in/Zoom out Zoom in/Zoom out font
Shift+MiddleWheel Scroll horizontal Scroll left/right
Ctrl+Shift+MiddleWheel Scroll horizontal Page left/right
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