Have you ever gone camping, found a great spot, and when you tried to get back to the exact place, you forgot? Well, the camp companion can help! This app allows you to save your exact location to a ticker on the map, add notes, and edit each entry. A great app to keep in your pocket while camping. It is currently a PWA.
This app is a passion project that I created years ago when I was on the job hunt, and now I am revamping it and getting it up to speed with everythign that I know. This project is built with React, Material UI, Google Maps API.
v1 is not connected to handle the auth but in the next version auth with be implemented with an exteranl api.
Visit the live version here!
Clone the project locally.
In your terminal:
- Navigate to the project folder
- $ npm install
- $ npm run build
- $ npm run start
Get a Google Maps Javascript API KEy, fo rmore information about how to secure a key checkout out this page https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript
Notes: Add your own Google Maps Javascript API key to the project under the name MAPS_API_KEY.