An opinionated guide and documentation for Road Runner
Big thanks to all of LearnRoadRunner's contributors:
requires a downgrade towatchpack
because later updates break live reloading.
Finish overloading constraints section
Finish gain scheduling section
support fancy image/video formats (webm, webp, etc)
remove underline in the trajectories page
optimize for cumulative layout shift
As Learn Road Runner is written for a now legacy version of Road Runner, it will not remain online forever. That being said, its important to not lose the information on Learn Road Runner, so here are insturctions for running the site locally, for those that need it.
Make sure you have node.js installed. I used nvm windows, but if you have an OS with bash, feel free to use nvm if you have a Unix or macOS system, or use WSL. As of writing, these directions work with node 21.6.1.
Once nvm is installed, run
nvm install 21.6.1
in your command line, and let it install. -
Now, run
nvm use 21.6.1
Clone this project from github and navigate to this project's root in your command line
npm insall
from the root of the project folder -
use legacy openssl
- for Linux, macOS, or WSL run
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
- for Windows command prompt run
set NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
- for Windows powershell run
$env:NODE_OPTIONS = "--openssl-legacy-provider"
- run
npm run dev
to run the site. Once the client is done building, you can open 'localhost:8080' in your browser to access it.