This is the implementation of the paper "Prototype as Query for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation" by Leilei Cao, Yibo Guo, Ye Yuan and Qiangguo Jin. Implemented on Python 3.8 and Pytorch 1.8.1.
For more information, check out our paper on [[arXiv](].- Python 3.8
- PyTorch 1.8.1
- cuda 11.1
- tensorboard 2.6.0
Conda environment settings:
conda create -n protoformer python=3.8
conda activate protoformer
conda install pytorch=1.8.1 torchvision cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
pip install tensorboardX
Download following datasets:
Download PASCAL VOC2012 devkit (train/val data):
wget PASCAL VOC2012 SDS extended mask annotations from this [Google Drive].
Download COCO2014 train/val images and annotations:
wget wget wget COCO2014 train/val annotations from our Google Drive: [], []. (and locate both train2014/ and val2014/ under annotations/ directory).
Create a directory '../Datasets' for the above two few-shot segmentation datasets and appropriately place each dataset to have following directory structure:
../ # parent directory
├── ./ # current (project) directory
│ ├── common/ # (dir.) helper functions
│ ├── data/ # (dir.) dataloaders and splits for each FSSS dataset
│ ├── model/ # (dir.) implementation of ProtoFormer model
│ ├── # intstruction for reproduction
│ ├── # code for training HSNet
│ └── # code for testing HSNet
└── Datasets/
├── VOC2012/ # PASCAL VOC2012 devkit
│ ├── Annotations/
│ ├── ImageSets/
│ ├── ...
│ └── SegmentationClassAug/
├── COCO2014/
├── annotations/
│ ├── train2014/ # (dir.) training masks (from Google Drive)
│ ├── val2014/ # (dir.) validation masks (from Google Drive)
│ └── ..some json files..
├── train2014/
└── val2014/
Download the ImageNet pretrained backbones and put them into the initmodel
python --layers {50, 101} --fold {0, 1, 2, 3} --benchmark pascal --lr 1e-3 --bsz 32 --niter 60 --shot 1 --logpath "your_experiment_name"
python --layers {50, 101} --fold {0, 1, 2, 3} --benchmark coco --lr 1e-3 --bsz 32 --niter 30 --shot {1, 5} --logpath "your_experiment_name"
Use tensorboard to babysit training progress:
- For each experiment, a directory that logs training progress will be automatically generated under logs/ directory.
- From terminal, run 'tensorboard --logdir logs/' to monitor the training progress.
- Choose the best model when the validation (mIoU) curve starts to saturate.
Pretrained models are available on our [Google Drive].
python --layers {50, 101} --fold {0, 1, 2, 3} --benchmark pascal --nshot {1, 5} --load "path_to_trained_model"
Pretrained models are available on our [Google Drive].
python --layers {50, 101} --fold {0, 1, 2, 3} --benchmark coco --nshot {1, 5} --load "path_to_trained_model"
This project is built upon HSNet: