Experimentation with various Google Cloud Machine Learning APIs
The Google Vision, Translate, and Storage APIs are leveraged to orchestrate displaying relevant web links, classifications, and language translations for an image.
As images are uploaded, they are tossed into Google Cloud Storage. These storage links are then fed into the Vision Annotation API to extract useful aspects. The classifications are translated in any language the user provides in the config file so that you can also beef up your language skills ;)
These relevant web links and translations are displayed to the user. A recently viewed / analyzed gallery of images is also displayed to the user.
Wait patiently on the loading screen :)
Image interpretations and links are presented to the user in a card:
You can click on any of these links to take you to relevant pages. Examples for the image above:
Predicted relevant online article
Predicted relevant Wikipedia article
Image classification translations are presented to the user in a card:
A gallery of recently uploaded images is presented to the user at all times:
You will also need to:
Installing the Python dependencies locally:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Installing python dependencies for App Engine:
pip install -t lib/ -r requirements.txt
this will make copied installs in the lib folder which app engine can point to in order to identify 3rd party libs
Set up Project ID and Cloud Storage Bucket link. You can do this two ways:
Export the values in the environment:
Explicitly edit the config file (Image-Interpret/config/init.py):
Set up languages you want to translate to in the config file:
TRANSLATE_TO_LANG = ['fr', 'es', 'ar'] # choose any languages to translate to - based on ISO 639-1 codes
Export the flask env:
cd Image-Interpret/
export FLASK_APP=app.py
Run the app:
flask run
Given the app.yaml and appengine_config.py files we should be able to integrate with App Engine.
NOTE: There may be dependency issues with finding the right imports from the lib folder based on project path specs and any virtual environments set up. This way of running is not recommended at the moment.
For reference
Deploy to App Engine directly through:
gcloud app deploy
You can also test locally:
dev_appserver.py app.yaml
Google Vision API - to handle extraction of various image features and obtain annotations
Google Translation API - to handle language translation of classifications
Google Storage API - to handle upload and retrieval of images
Flask - web microframework
Jinja - templating framework
Bootstrap - front end framework for clean card templating
JQuery - JS lib to handle loading screen while image interpretation churns away
Image links: