Known issues
- #755 If map contains WMS layer that is running on domain without TLS1.3 support (e.g. https://geoportal.kraj-lbc.cz/ ), generating thumbnail fails.
- Fixed in v1.20.0.
Upgrade requirements
- Change environment variable LAYMAN_CLIENT_VERSION:
- If you are running Layman with development settings, run
make build-dev
make timgen-build
make client-build
Migrations and checks
Schema migrations
Data migrations
- #348 Upgrade GeoServer to 2.21.2.
- #613 Workspace-specific WMS GetCapabilities documents includes LegendURL element for every style of every layer. Previously vector layers with QML style did not have it. GetLegendGraphic queries can be parametrized depending on layer style.
- In workspace-specific WMS GetCapabilities documents, style name consists only of style name without
prefix. For example, formerly it wastestuser_wms:blue_style
, now it is onlyblues_style
. - #681 Enable to publish layer with specific SLD style.
- #681 Endpoints POST Workspace Layers and PATCH Workspace Layer normalize grayscale float raster files with alpha channel to grayscale without it with internal mask 0/1.
- Layman now uses official GeoServer docker image for demo and development purpose.
- #720 Upgrade Python dependencies
- celery 5.0.5 -> 5.2.7
- flask 2.0.2 -> 2.2.2
- unidecode 1.3.2 -> 1.3.6
- psycopg2-binary 2.9.3 -> 2.9.5
- owslib 0.22.0 -> 0.27.2
- requests 2.27.0 -> 2.28.1
- jsonschema 4.3.3 -> 4.17.3
- flower 1.0.0 -> 1.2.0
- selenium 4.1.0 -> 4.7.2
- cacheout 0.13.1 -> 0.14.1
- kombu 5.2.3 -> 5.2.4
- #720 Remove Python dependency "pyproj".
- #720 Upgrade Python dev dependencies
- pytest 6.2.5 -> 7.2.0
- watchdog 2.1.6 -> 2.2.0
- flake8 4.0.1 -> 6.0.0
- pycodestyle 2.8.0 -> 2.10.0
- pylint 2.7.4 -> 2.15.9
- autopep8 1.6.0 -> 2.0.1
- pytest-rerunfailures 10.2 -> 10.3
- pytest-timeout 2.0.2 -> 2.1.0
- #726 Upgrade Node.js of Laymen Test Client from v12 to v18 and dependencies:
- connect-redis 3 -> 6
- dotenv 8 -> 16
- http-proxy-middleware 0.21 -> 2
- isomorphic-unfetch 2 -> 3
- next 9 -> 13
- react 16 -> 18
- react-dom 16 -> 18
- redis 3 -> 4
- semantic-ui-react 0.88 -> 2
- xml-formatter 2 -> 3
- #732 Upgrade Node.js of Timgen from v10 to v18 and dependencies:
- ol 5 -> 7
- http-server 0.11 -> 14
- #732 Use "vite" instead of "parcel" and "babel" for dev & build of Timgen.