A simple, interactive Todo Web Application built with React to help you manage your daily tasks effectively.
- Add Tasks: Create new tasks instantly.
- Delete Tasks: Remove tasks that are completed or no longer needed.
- Reorder Tasks: Move tasks up and down to prioritize as needed.
- Responsive Design: Works smoothly across all devices.
- React - For building the UI components.
- JavaScript - Core programming language.
- CSS - Styling and layout.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Lawani-EJ/Todo-WebApplication.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd Todo-WebApplication
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the application:
npm run dev
- Add a Task: Enter a task in the input field and press "Add."
- Delete a Task: Click the 🗑️ icon next to a task.
- Reorder Tasks: Use the ⇧ and ⇩ icons to adjust task priority.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
Currently, two official plugins are available:
- @vitejs/plugin-react uses Babel for Fast Refresh
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc uses SWC for Fast Refresh