Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel is the Director of Undergraduate Studies and an Associate Professor of the Practice in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University. Her work focuses on innovation in statistics pedagogy, with an emphasis on student-centered learning, computation, reproducible research, and open-source education. She is also a Professional Educator at RStudio.
Erin LeDell is the Chief Machine Learning Scientist at H2O.ai, the company that produces the open source, distributed machine learning platform, H2O. She received her Ph.D. from UC Berkeley where her research focused on machine learning and computational statistics. She is de founder of Women+ in Machine Learning & Data Science, and one of the co-founders of RLadies Global
The many backends of dplyr by Hadley Wickham
Hadley Wickham is a Chief Scientist at RStudio, and an Adjunct Professor of Statistics at the University of Auckland, Stanford University, and Rice University. He build tools (computational and cognitive) that make data science easier, faster, and more fun.
Success in data science and statistics is dependent on the development of both analytical and computational skills. As statistics educators we are more familiar and comfortable with teaching the former, but the latter is becoming increasingly important. The goal of this workshop is to equip educators with concrete information on content and infrastructure for painlessly introducing modern computation into a data science and/or statistics curriculum. In addition to gaining technical knowledge, participants will engage in discussion around the decisions that go into choosing infrastructure and developing curriculum. Workshop attendees will work through several exercises from existing courses and get first-hand experience with using relevant tool-chains and techniques, including R/RStudio, literate programming with R Markdown, and collaboration, version control, and automated feedback with Git/GitHub. We will also discuss best practices for configuring and deploying classroom infrastructures to support these tools. This workshop is aimed at participants who are interested in the role of computing in either a Statistics or Data Science curriculum, including faculty designing new courses/programs and those interested in adding or improving a computational component to an existing course. A basic knowledge of R is assumed and familiarity with Git is preferred.
El taller mostrará herramientas de “Deep Learning” aplicadas a problemas de Regresión, Clasificación y “Novelty Detection”. Se utilizará la interfaz KERAS basada en TensorFlow, tecnología de código abierto creada por Google para el desarrollo del aprendizaje automático. Se enseñarán a lo largo del taller los conceptos fundamentales de los métodos tratados, y se darán ejemplos de caso mediante el uso del entorno de desarrollo integrado Rstudio.
The key to well-documented, well-tested and easily-distributed R code is the package. This half day class will teach you how to make package development as easy as possible with devtools and usethis. You’ll also learn roxygen2 to document your code so others (including future you!) can understand what’s going on, and testthat to avoid future breakages. The class will consist of a series of demonstrations and hands on exercises. Participants should bring a laptop setup to build R packages. Detailed instructions are available here.
En este taller revisaremos la importancia de la visualización, aprenderemos de elementos técnicos como tipos de gráficos, correcto uso de colores, etiquetas y otros elementos; además de revisar buenas prácticas a considerar al momento de realizar una visualización. Luego, con R aprenderemos a realizar simples, interactivos y efectivos gráficos usando solo la función hchart, para después estudiar las funciones para configurar cada elemento del gráfico tales como los ejes, títulos, tooltips. Aprenderemos a graficar datos provenientes data.frames y otras fuentes de información, como datos espaciales. Finalizaremos aprendiendo cómo es como es la integración de highcharter con los paquetes Shiny y RMarkdown.
El link en el nombre del trabajo te dará acceso al resumen del trabajo. El link en la palabra Slides te dara acceso a las slides de la exposición oral. El link en el nombre de los autores y moderadores te dará acceso a su cuenta de twitter.
Mesa temática: Ciencia de Datos para las políticas públicas - Presentación: Verónica Canales
Germán Mondragón
Pablo León
Mesa temática: Comunidades - Presentación: Laura Acion
Elio Campitelli, Gabriela Mathieu, Marcos Prunello
Yanina Bellini Saibene, Laura Acion, Florencia D'Andrea
Florencia D'Andrea, Laura Acion
Ignacio Alvarez Castro.
Panel: Datos oficiales y encuestas - Moderadora: Florencia D'Andrea
Richard Detomasi and Gabriela Mathieu
Gabriela Mathieu and Richard Detomasi
Panel: Género - Moderadora: Florencia D'Andrea
Yanina Bellini Saibene and Marina Cock
Juan Pablo Sokil and Laura Osorio Gómez
Santiago Melendi, Marilina Santero, Carolina Prado, Rosana Poggio, Natalia Elorriaga, Laura Gutierrez, Pablo Gulayin and Vilma Irazola
Luciane Ferreira Alcoforado, Orlando Celso Longo, Lyncoln Sousa de Oliveira, Steven Dutt Ross and Alessandra Dos Santos Simão
Panel: Desarrollo de paquetes y R en producción - Moderador: Joshua Kunst
Juan Cruz Rodriguez and Javier Luraschi
Francisco Yira Albornoz Cambiaso and Francisco Benavides Lorca
Tomás León
Camilo Gómez-Narváez, Moreno Bevilacqua and Víctor Morales-Oñate
Matthew Upson, Matthew Gregory, Duncan Garmonsway and Matthew Dray
Fernando Barbalho, Lucas Leite, Jordão Gonçalves and Tiago Pereira
Juan Pablo Ruiz Nicolini and Juan Pablo Pilorget
Daniel Alcatruz and Sebastián Niklitschek
Panel: Modelos predictivos - Moderadora: Yanina Bellini Saibene
Ana Laura Diedrichs, Facundo Bromberg and Diego Dujovne
Sara Acevedo, Cristina Contreras, Carlos Ávila, Javier Rivera and Carlos Bonilla
Daniela Prina, Sabrina López, Stephan Arndt and Laura Acion
Francisco Zambrano
Datasketch Apps: Herramientas web para limpieza y visualización de datos. Slides.
Camila Achuri y David Daza
Paola Corrales and Elio Campitelli
Javier Fajardo, Derek Corcoran, Patrick Roehrdanz, Lee Hannah and Pablo A Marquet
Panel: Datos espaciales - Moderadora: Priscilla Minotti
Steven Dutt Ross, Orlando Celso Longo, Luciane Ferreira Alcoforado and Lyncoln Sousa De Oliveira
Antonio Vazquez Brust, Tomás Olego and Germán Rosati
Nicolas Sidicaro
Stephanie Orellana
Rocío Joo, Matthew E Boone, Thomas A Clay, Samantha C Patrick, Susana Clusella-Trullas and Mathieu Basille
Brenda V. Canizo, Ana Laura Diedrichs, Emiliano F. Fiorentini, Roberto G. Pellerano, Rodolfo G. Wuilloud and Juan M. Juricich.
Yuriko Sosa Paredes and Andrés Burga León
Jan Strappa Figueroa and Facundo Bromberg
Federico Molina, Natalia da Silva, Ignacio Ignacio Alvarez-Castro y Juan José Goyeneche
Patricio Aroca, Javier Fernández and Esteban López
Gabriela Sandoval
Carlos Catania y Jorge Guerra
Claudia Cifuentes Donald
Jesús Eduardo Gamboa Unsihuay
Guilherme Souza, Ariel Levy, Orlando Celso Longo and Luciane Ferreira Alcoforado
David Morales, David Morales and Stephanie Orellana
Giorgio Boccardo and Felipe Ruiz
Gabriel Zanlorenssi
Juan Francisco Venegas Gutiérrez and Rodrigo Barraza Alonso
Luis Eduardo Ferrer Cruz
Pablo A Cortés, Carla N Rivera and Manuel Muñoz
Matías Alejando Castillo Moine and Mónica Balzarini
Driselda Patricia Sánchez Aguirre and Luis Domingo Martínez Vázquez
Ignacio Castro, Gonzalo Nuñez and María Simian
El libro de actas presenta todos los trabajos contribuidos, aceptados y presentados durante la conferencia. Editoras: Yanina Bellini Saibene, Florencia D'Andrea.