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Minot updates and new fitting that ignores input during TR
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agentmess committed Mar 23, 2018
1 parent 8ce2008 commit 3454032
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Showing 3 changed files with 269 additions and 4 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions kinetic_modeling/fit_kPL.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
% observed magnetization (Mxy)
y1 = reshape(S(i, 1, :), [1, Nt]); % pyr
y2 = reshape(S(i, 2, :), [1, Nt]); % lac
if any(y1 ~= 0)
if any(y1(:) ~= 0)
% % plot of observed data for debugging
% figure(1)
% plot(t, y1, t, y2)
Expand All @@ -132,8 +132,8 @@
% legend('pyruvate', 'lactate')

% estimate state magnetization (MZ) based on scaling from RF pulses
x1 = y1./Sscale(1, :);
x2 = y2./Sscale(2, :);
x1 = y1./(Sscale(1, :)+eps); % add eps to eliminate divide by zero errors
x2 = y2./(Sscale(2, :)+eps);

% fit to data
options = optimoptions(@fminunc,'Display','none','Algorithm','quasi-newton');
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265 changes: 265 additions & 0 deletions kinetic_modeling/fit_kPL_noinput.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
function [params_fit, Sfit, ufit, objective_val] = fit_kPL_noinput(S, TR, flips, params_fixed, params_est, noise_level, plot_flag)
% fit_kPL - Simple kinetic model fitting of conversion rate by fitting of
% product (e.g. lactate) signal at each time point. Substrate (e.g.
% pyruvate) signal taken as is, and not fit to any function, eliminating
% need to make any assumptions about the input function.
% This uses the following assumptions:
% - uni-directional conversion from substrate to metabolic products (i.e.
% pyruvate to lactate)
% - initial lactate magnetization is zero (need to add)
% It also allows for fixing of parameters. Based on simulations, our
% current recommendation is to fix pyruvate T1, as it doesn't impact kPL substantially.
% [params_fit, Sfit, ufit, objective_val] = fit_kPL(S, TR, flips, params_fixed, params_est, noise_level, plot_flag)
% All params_* values are structures, with possible fields of 'kPL', 'R1L',
% and 'R1P', and units of 1/s.
% S - signal dynamics [voxels, # of metabolites, # of time points]
% TR - repetition time per time point
% flips (radians) - all flip angles [# of metabolites, # of time points x # of phase encodes]
% params_fixed - structure of fixed parameters and values (1/s). parameters not in
% this structure will be fit
% params_est (optional) - structure of estimated values for fit parameters pyruvate to metabolites conversion rate initial guess (1/s)
% Also can include upper and lower bounds on parameters as *_lb and
% *_ub (e.g. R1L_lb, R1L_ub)
% noise_level (optional) - estimate standard deviation of noise in data
% to use maximum likelihood fit of magnitude data (with Rician noise
% distribution)
% plot_flag (optional) - plot fits
% params_fit - structure of fit parameters
% Sfit - fit curve for lactate
% ufit - derived input function (unitless)
% objective_val - measure of fit error
% EXAMPLES - see test_fit_kPL_fcn.m
% Authors: John Maidens, Peder E. Z. Larson
% (c)2015-2017 The Regents of the University of California. All Rights
% Reserved.

params_all = {'kPL', 'R1L', 'R1P', 'L0_start'};
params_default_est = [0.01, 1/25, 1/25, 0];
params_default_lb = [-Inf, 1/60, 1/60, 0];
params_default_ub = [Inf, 1/10, 1/10, Inf];

if nargin < 4 || isempty(params_fixed)
params_fixed = struct([]);

if nargin < 5 || isempty(params_est)
params_est = struct([]);

I_params_est = [];
for n = 1:length(params_all)
if ~isfield(params_fixed, params_all(n))
I_params_est = [I_params_est, n];
Nparams_to_fit = length(I_params_est);

for n = 1:Nparams_to_fit
param_name = params_all{I_params_est(n)};
if isfield(params_est, param_name)
params_est_vec(n) = params_est.(param_name);
params_est_vec(n) = params_default_est(I_params_est(n));
if isfield(params_est, [param_name '_lb'])
params_lb(n) = params_est.([param_name '_lb']);
params_lb(n) = params_default_lb(I_params_est(n));
if isfield(params_est, [param_name '_ub'])
params_ub(n) = params_est.([param_name '_ub']);
params_ub(n) = params_default_ub(I_params_est(n));

if nargin < 6
noise_level = [];

if isempty(noise_level)
% no noise level provided, so use least-squares fit (best for Gaussian
% zero-mean noise)
fit_method = 'ls';
% otherwise use maximum likelihood (good for Rician noise from
% magnitudes)
fit_method = 'ml';

if nargin < 7
plot_flag = 0;

if plot_flag
disp('==== Computing parameter map ====')

size_S = size(S); ndimsx = length(size_S)-2;
Nt = size_S(end); t = [0:Nt-1]*TR;
Nx = size_S(1:ndimsx);
if isempty(Nx)
Nx = 1;
S = reshape(S, [prod(Nx), 2, Nt]); % put all spatial locations in first dimension

[Sscale, Mzscale] = flips_scaling_factors(flips, Nt);

params_fit_vec = zeros([prod(Nx),Nparams_to_fit]); objective_val = zeros([1,prod(Nx)]);
Sfit = zeros([prod(Nx),Nt]);

for i=1:size(S, 1)
if length(Nx) > 1 && plot_flag
disp([num2str( floor(100*(i-1)/size(S, 1)) ) '% complete'])
% observed magnetization (Mxy)
y1 = reshape(S(i, 1, :), [1, Nt]); % pyr
y2 = reshape(S(i, 2, :), [1, Nt]); % lac
if any(y1(:) ~= 0)
% % plot of observed data for debugging
% figure(1)
% plot(t, y1, t, y2)
% xlabel('time (s)')
% ylabel('measured magnetization (au)')
% legend('pyruvate', 'lactate')

% estimate state magnetization (MZ) based on scaling from RF pulses
x1 = y1./(Sscale(1, :)+eps); % add eps to eliminate divide by zero errors
x2 = y2./(Sscale(2, :)+eps);

% fit to data
options = optimoptions(@fminunc,'Display','none','Algorithm','quasi-newton');
lsq_opts = optimset('Display','none','MaxIter', 500, 'MaxFunEvals', 500);
case 'ls'
obj = @(var) (x2 - trajectories_frompyr_noinput(var, x1, Mzscale, params_fixed, TR)) .* Sscale(2,:); % perform least-squares in signal domain
[params_fit_vec(i,:),objective_val(i)] = lsqnonlin(obj, params_est_vec, params_lb, params_ub, lsq_opts);

case 'ml'
obj = @(var) negative_log_likelihood_rician_frompyr(var, x1, x2, Mzscale, params_fixed, TR, noise_level.*(Sscale(2,:).^2));
[params_fit_vec(i,:), objective_val(i)] = fminunc(obj, params_est_vec, options);

Sfit(i,:) = trajectories_frompyr_noinput(params_fit_vec(i,:), x1, Mzscale, params_fixed, TR);
Sfit(i,:) = Sfit(i,:) .* Sscale(2, :);

if plot_flag
% plot of fit for debugging
plot(t, x1, t, x2, t, Sfit(i,:)./ Sscale(2, :),'--')
xlabel('time (s)')
ylabel('state magnetization (au)')
plot(t, y1, t, y2, t, Sfit(i,:),'--')
xlabel('time (s)')
ylabel('signal (au)')
title(num2str(params_fit_vec(i,:),4)) % don't display L0_start value
legend('pyruvate', 'lactate', 'lactate fit', 'input estimate')
drawnow, pause(0.5)

params_fit = struct([]);
nfit = 0;
for n = 1:length(params_all)-1 % don't output L0_start
if ~isfield(params_fixed, params_all(n))
nfit = nfit+1;
params_fit(1).(params_all{n})= params_fit_vec(:,nfit);

if length(Nx) > 1
for n = 1:Nparams_to_fit-1 % don't output L0_start
param_name = params_all{I_params_est(n)};
params_fit.(param_name) = reshape(params_fit.(param_name), Nx);

Sfit = reshape(Sfit, [Nx, Nt]);
ufit = reshape(ufit, [Nx, Nt]);
objective_val = reshape(objective_val, Nx);
if plot_flag
disp('100 % complete')


function [ l1 ] = negative_log_likelihood_rician_frompyr(params_fit, x1, x2, Mzscale, params_fixed, TR, noise_level)
% compartmental model with Rician noise
% noise level is scaled for state magnetization (Mz) domain

N = size(x1,2);

% compute trajectory of the model with parameter values
x2fit = trajectories_frompyr_noinput(params_fit, x1, Mzscale, params_fixed, TR);

% compute negative log likelihood
l1 = 0;
for t = 1:N
for k = 1
l1 = l1 - (...
log(x2(k, t)) - log(noise_level(t)) ...
- (x2(k, t)^2 + x2fit(k, t)^2)/(2*noise_level(t)) ...
+ x2(k, t)*x2fit(k, t)/noise_level(t) ...
+ log(besseli(0, x2(k, t)*x2fit(k, t)/noise_level(t), 1))...

function x2 = trajectories_frompyr_noinput( params_fit, x1, Mzscale, params_fixed , TR )
% Compute product magnetization (e.g. lactate) using a uni-directional two-site model
% Uses substrate magnetization measurements, estimated relaxation and
% conversion rates
% x1 and x2 are pyruvate and lactate, respectively, longitudinal magnetization (MZ) component estimates in order to account for variable flip angles

N = length(x1);

x2 = zeros(1, N);

params_all = {'kPL', 'R1L', 'R1P', 'L0_start'};
nfit = 0;
for n = 1:length(params_all)
if isfield(params_fixed, params_all(n))
eval([params_all{n} '= params_fixed.(params_all{n});']);
nfit = nfit+1;
eval([params_all{n} '= params_fit(nfit);']);

x2(1) = L0_start;

for t=1:N-1

P0 = x1(t)*Mzscale(1, t);
L0 = x2(t)*Mzscale(2, t);

% solve next time point under assumption of constant input during TR
x2(t+1) = exp(-R1L*TR)*((L0*R1L*R1P - L0*R1L^2 + L0*R1L*kPL + P0*R1L*kPL)/(R1L*(R1P - R1L + kPL)) ) - exp(-TR*(R1P + kPL))*((kPL*(P0*R1P + P0*kPL))/((R1P + kPL)*(R1P - R1L + kPL)) );

% % solution for next source (pyruvate) time point if needed:
% x1(t+1) = (exp(-TR*(R1P + kPL))*((kPL*(P0*R1P - u(t) + P0*kPL))/((R1P + kPL)*(R1P - R1L + kPL)) + (kPL*u(t)*exp(R1P*TR + kPL*TR))/((R1P + kPL)*(R1P - R1L + kPL)))*(R1P - R1L + kPL))/kPL;

% % Solution without an input function:
% x2(t+1) = (-(kPL*exp((- R1P - kPL)*TR) - kPL*exp(-R1L*TR))/(R1P - R1L + kPL))*Mzscale(1, t)*x1(t) ...
% + exp(-R1L*TR)*Mzscale(2, t)*x2(t);



2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion simulations/HP_montecarlo_evaluation.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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function [kPL_fit, AUC_fit] = fitting_simulation(fit_fcn, Mxy, TR, flips, NMC, std_noise, params_fixed, params_est);

kPL_fit = zeros(1,NMC); AUC_fit = zeros(1,NMC);
parfor n = 1:NMC
for n = 1:NMC
Sn = Mxy + randn(size(Mxy))*std_noise;

params_fit = fit_fcn(Sn, TR, flips, params_fixed, params_est, [], 0);
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