Releases: LaroldsJubilantJunkyard/flappy-bird-gameboy
Releases · LaroldsJubilantJunkyard/flappy-bird-gameboy
v1.0.0 Completed Flappy Bird for Gameboy
This release wraps up the flappy bird homebrew. The features added since v0.5.0:
- Parallax Scrolling Backgrounds
- Medals
- High Score
- Improved Start Screen
- Rotating Bird based on speed
Our tutorial will soon be updated to reflect the changes.
Here's a postmortem of the project: Flappy Bird Gameboy Homebrew v1.0.0 Completed!
v.0.5.0 Fully Functional Game
This is the fully functional version. The game works fully but still needs some finishing touches. Features Present:
- CGB Support
- Scores
- Collision
- Joypad Input
- Scrolling Background
- Gameplay Start, Loop, and End Game States
- BasicAudio