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Lilly Tempest edited this page May 8, 2022 · 3 revisions



In order to use placeholders, you have to use PlaceholderAPI. This plugin will automatically replace the listed placeholders below into the appropriate values.


  • %landlord_owned_lands%
    The amount of claimed lands
  • %landlord_claims%
    The amount of purchased claims
  • landlord_remaining_claims Remaining claims. Difference between owned_lands and claims
  • %landlord_current_land_owner%
    Owner of the current land
  • %landlord_current_land_members%
    Members of the current land
  • %landlord_current_land_name%
    returns the name of a land a player is standing on
  • %landlord_next_land_price%
    Price of the next land which will be purchased. Doesn't add the currency behind the string: its just a double like "12.2" and not "12.2 dollars".
  • %landlord_current_land_refund%
    Amount which will be given when this land will be sold. Doesn't add the currency behind the string: its just a double like "12.2" and not "12.2 dollars".
  • %landlord_max_claim_permission% Number of the permission, which indicates the amount of possible claims
  • %landlord_remaining_free_lands% Number of free claims a user can still claim.

Regarding featherboard.

Tell maxim to fix his freaking maven repository.

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