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LUMC-LowFieldMRI authored Nov 22, 2021
1 parent 136fdea commit f591c02
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Nov 4 17:02:30 2019
@author: to_reilly

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import special
from scipy import spatial

def calcP(mm, aa, bb, kk):
mu0 = 4 * np.pi * 10**(-7)
dBesselk_m = special.kvp(mm, abs(kk)*aa,1)
dBesseli_m = special.ivp(mm, abs(kk)*bb,1)
return aa * mu0 * kk * dBesseli_m * dBesselk_m

def calcQ(mm, aa, bb, kk):
mu0 = 4 * np.pi * 10**(-7)
dBesselk_m = special.kvp(mm,abs(kk)*aa,1)
Besseli_m = special.iv(mm, abs(kk) * bb)
return mm * aa * mu0 / bb * abs(kk) / kk * Besseli_m * dBesselk_m

def calculateContour(streamF, numWires, phi, z):

phi2D, z2D= np.meshgrid(phi,z)
levels = np.linspace(np.min(streamF), np.max(streamF), numWires*2 + 4)
levels = levels[1:-1]

# Wire should be laid along contours between the isolines, calculate midpoint between isolines
midPointLevels = [(levels[i]+levels[i+1])/2 for i in range(np.size(levels)-1)]
midPointLevels = np.array(midPointLevels)[np.abs(midPointLevels) >= 1e-6] #remove zeros, account for floating point error

contWires = plt.contour(phi2D,z2D,streamF,levels = midPointLevels)

return contWires

def halbachXgradient(linearLength = 140, coilRad = 135, coilLength = 350,numWires = 10, numHighOrders = 10, \
linearityTerm = 16, apoTerm = .05, resolution = 1e-3):

gradStrength = 1e-3
a = coilRad*1e-3 #gradRad
b = 0.001*a
d = linearLength*1e-3 #Linear region
nShape = linearityTerm
res = resolution
Zmax = coilLength*1e-3
N = numHighOrders
h = apoTerm

Nsamp =*Zmax/res)
z = np.linspace(-Zmax,Zmax,Nsamp)
phi = np.linspace(-1.5*np.pi,0.5*np.pi,Nsamp)

kfov = 1/res
k = np.linspace(0.00001,kfov,Nsamp).conj().T

gradShape = np.divide(z,1+(z/d)**nShape)
gradShape_k = np.fft.fft(gradShape.conj().T);

t_k = np.exp(-2*(h*k)**2) #apodisation term

n_0 = 2*np.pi*gradShape_k*gradStrength/(calcQ(1,a,b,k)+calcP(1,a,b,k))
streamF = 0

for n in range(N+1):
sign = (-1)**(n+1)
scale = 1
for m in range(n+1):
scale *= np.divide((calcP(2*m-1,a,b,k)-calcQ(2*m-1,a,b,k)),(calcP(2*m+1,a,b,k)+calcQ(2*m+1,a,b,k)))
B_apo = sign*np.fft.ifft(np.divide(np.multiply(n_0,t_k*scale),k))
streamF += np.outer(B_apo,np.cos((2*n+1)*phi))
streamF = np.real(streamF)

return calculateContour(streamF, numWires, phi, z)

def halbachYgradient(linearLength = 140, coilRad = 135, coilLength = 350, numWires = 10, numHighOrders = 10, \
linearityTerm = 16, apoTerm = .05, resolution = 1e-3):

gradStrength = 1e-3
a = coilRad*1e-3 #gradRad
b = 0.001*a
d = linearLength*1e-3 #Linear region
Zmax = 2*coilLength*1e-3
N = 0
print("Number of higher order modes set to 0, not needed for Y and Z")
h = apoTerm

Nsamp =*Zmax/resolution)
z = np.linspace(-Zmax,Zmax,Nsamp)
phi = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,Nsamp)

k = np.linspace(0.00001,1/resolution,Nsamp).conj().T

gradShape = 1/(1+(z/d)**linearityTerm) - 1/(1+((z+3.5*d)/(0.5*d))**linearityTerm)-1/(1+((z-3.5*d)/(0.5*d))**linearityTerm)

gradShape_k = np.fft.fft(gradShape.conj().T);

t_k = np.exp(-2*(h*k)**2) #apodisation term

n_0 = b*2*np.pi*gradShape_k*gradStrength/(calcQ(2,a,b,k)+calcP(2,a,b,k))
streamF = 0

for n in range(N+1):
amp = (-1)**(n+1)
scale = 1
for m in range(1,n+1):
scale *= np.divide((calcP(2*m,a,b,k)-calcQ(2*m,a,b,k)),(calcP(2*m+2,a,b,k)+calcQ(2*m+2,a,b,k)))
B_apo = np.fft.ifft((2/np.pi)*amp*(np.divide(1,k))*n_0*scale*t_k)
streamF += np.outer(B_apo,np.sin((2*n+2)*phi))

#remove sidelobes
streamF = streamF[int(Nsamp/2-1.5*d_samp):int(Nsamp/2+1.5*d_samp)]
z = z[int(Nsamp/2-1.5*d_samp):int(Nsamp/2+1.5*d_samp)]
phi2D, z2D= np.meshgrid(phi,z)

return calculateContour(streamF.real, numWires, phi, z)

def halbachZgradient(linearLength = 140, coilRad = 135, coilLength = 350, numWires = 10, numHighOrders = 10, \
linearityTerm = 16, apoTerm = .05, resolution = 1e-3):

gradStrength = 1e-3
a = coilRad*1e-3 #gradRad
b = 0.001*a
d = linearLength*1e-3 #Linear region
Zmax = 2*coilLength*1e-3
N = 0
#print("Number of higher order modes set to 0, not needed for Y and Z")
h = apoTerm

Nsamp =*Zmax/resolution)
z = np.linspace(-Zmax,Zmax,Nsamp)
phi = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,Nsamp)+np.pi/4

k = np.linspace(0.00001,1/resolution,Nsamp).conj().T

gradShape = 1/(1+(z/d)**linearityTerm) - 1/(1+((z+3.5*d)/(0.5*d))**linearityTerm)-1/(1+((z-3.5*d)/(0.5*d))**linearityTerm)
gradShape_k = np.fft.fft(gradShape.conj().T);

t_k = np.exp(-2*(h*k)**2) #apodisation term

n_0 = b*2*np.pi*gradShape_k*gradStrength/(calcQ(2,a,b,k)+calcP(2,a,b,k))
streamF = 0

for n in range(N+1):
amp = (-1)**(n+1)
scale = 1
for m in range(1,n+1):
scale *= np.divide((calcP(2*m,a,b,k)-calcQ(2*m,a,b,k)),(calcP(2*m+2,a,b,k)+calcQ(2*m+2,a,b,k)))
B_apo = np.fft.ifft((2/np.pi)*amp*(np.divide(1,k))*n_0*scale*t_k)
streamF += np.outer(B_apo,np.cos((2*n+2)*phi))

#remove sideloabs
streamF = streamF[int(Nsamp/2-1.5*d_samp):int(Nsamp/2+1.5*d_samp)]
streamF[0] = 0
streamF[-1] = 0
z = z[int(Nsamp/2-1.5*d_samp):int(Nsamp/2+1.5*d_samp)]
phi2D, z2D= np.meshgrid(phi,z)"streamF_z.npy", streamF)"phi2D.npy", streamF)"z2D.npy", z2D)

return calculateContour(streamF.real, numWires, phi, z)

def calculateBfield(contours, DSV, resolution, coilRad, direction):
import numexpr as ne

radius = np.float32(DSV/2)

phi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, int(2*np.pi*radius/resolution), dtype = np.float32)
theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, int(np.pi*radius/resolution), dtype = np.float32)
phiGrid, thetaGrid = np.meshgrid(phi,theta)
xSphere = radius*np.multiply(np.sin(thetaGrid), np.cos(phiGrid))
ySphere = radius*np.multiply(np.sin(thetaGrid), np.sin(phiGrid))
zSphere = radius*np.cos(thetaGrid)

points = np.stack((np.ravel(xSphere),np.ravel(ySphere),np.ravel(zSphere)),axis=1)

wireLevels = contours.allsegs
gradCurrent = np.float32(contours.levels[1] - contours.levels[0])

bField = np.zeros(np.shape(points)[0], dtype = np.float32)

import time
startTime = time.time()
wireCounter = 1
for wireLevel in wireLevels:
for wire in wireLevel:
print("Simulating wire %.0f of %0.f"%(wireCounter, np.size(wireLevels)))
wire = np.array(wire, dtype = np.float32)
wirePath3D = np.stack((np.cos(wire[:,0])*np.float32(coilRad),np.sin(wire[:,0])*np.float32(coilRad),wire[:,1]),axis=1)
idS = 1e-7*gradCurrent*(wirePath3D[1:,:] - wirePath3D[:-1,:])
r = points[:,np.newaxis] - wirePath3D[:-1,:]
r3 = np.sum(np.square(r), axis = 2)[:,:,np.newaxis]
rNorm = r/(r3*np.sqrt(r3))
bField += np.matmul(rNorm[:,:,2], idS[:,1]) - np.matmul(rNorm[:,:,1],idS[:,2])
wireCounter += 1
print("Execution time: %.2f seconds"%(time.time()-startTime))
error = calculateError(points, bField, direction)
return [xSphere*1e3, ySphere*1e3, zSphere*1e3], np.reshape(bField, (np.size(theta), np.size(phi))), error

def calculateError(coords, bField, direction):
if(direction == 0):
coordAxis = coords[:,2]
elif(direction == 1):
coordAxis = coords[:,1]
coordAxis = coords[:,0]

argMin = np.argmin(coordAxis)
argMax = np.argmax(coordAxis)

posRange = np.max(coordAxis) - np.min(coordAxis)

bRange = bField[argMax] - bField[argMin]

efficiency = bRange/posRange

coordAxis[np.abs(coordAxis) < 0.01*posRange] = 'NaN'

return np.nanmax((bField - efficiency*coordAxis)/(efficiency*coordAxis))

def exportWires(contours, coilRad, direction, conjoined):

wireNum = 0
contourDict = {}
wireLevels = contours.allsegs

if ((direction == 0) and conjoined): #for the X gradient the center of the smallest contour is needed for joining the wires
minLength = np.inf
for wireLevel in wireLevels:
for wire in wireLevel:
if(np.size(wire,0) < minLength):
centerHeight = np.abs(np.mean(wire[:,1])*1e3)

for wireLevel in wireLevels:
for wire in wireLevel:
wirePath3D = np.stack((np.cos(wire[:,0])*coilRad,np.sin(wire[:,0])*coilRad,wire[:,1]*1e3),axis=1)
gapSize = 8 #gap in which the sections are joined
gapAngle = gapSize/coilRad
centerAngle = np.mean(wire[:,0])

if(direction == 0):
mask = (np.abs(wire[:,0] - centerAngle) > gapAngle) | (np.abs(wirePath3D[:,2]) < centerHeight)
mask = (np.abs(wire[:,0] - centerAngle) > gapAngle) | (wirePath3D[:,2] < 0)

while mask[0]:
mask = np.roll(mask,1)
wirePath3D = np.roll(wirePath3D, 1, axis = 0)

contourDict[str(wireNum)] = np.stack((wirePath3D[mask, 0],wirePath3D[mask, 1],wirePath3D[mask, 2]),axis=1)
contourDict[str(wireNum)] = wirePath3D
wireNum += 1

if(not conjoined):
return contourDict

# Join the wires with a gap in to one array #

numCoilSegments = 4 #Number of quadrants

joinedContour = {}
joinedContour[str(0)] = contourDict[str(0)]
joinedContour[str(1)] = contourDict[str(1)]
joinedContour[str(2)] = contourDict[str(int(2*wireNum/numCoilSegments))]
joinedContour[str(3)] = contourDict[str(int(2*wireNum/numCoilSegments)+1)]

for idx in range(1,int(wireNum/numCoilSegments)):
joinedContour[str(0)] = np.append(joinedContour[str(0)], contourDict[str(2*idx)], axis = 0)
joinedContour[str(1)] = np.append(joinedContour[str(1)], contourDict[str(2*idx+1)], axis = 0)
joinedContour[str(2)] = np.append(joinedContour[str(2)], contourDict[str(int(2*wireNum/numCoilSegments) + idx*2 )], axis = 0)
joinedContour[str(3)] = np.append(joinedContour[str(3)], contourDict[str(int(2*wireNum/numCoilSegments) + idx*2 +1)], axis = 0)

# Check for consecutive identical elements #
tol = 1e-5
for key in joinedContour:
delta = joinedContour[key][1:,:] - joinedContour[key][:-1,:]
delta = np.sum(np.square(delta), axis = 1)
zeroElements = delta < tol
joinedContour[key] = np.delete(joinedContour[key],np.nonzero(zeroElements), axis = 0)

return joinedContour


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