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Log analyzing for copper Agent

Tharanga Rajapaksha edited this page Apr 3, 2019 · 2 revisions

Log analyzing.

Log analyzing is very important any information system to avoid hazards and to do further improvements. But selecting a good log analyzing is not simple. Currently there are various solution in use. But ELK (ElasticSearch, Logtrash, kibana) stack is very popular in the industry. Lets check pros and cons of ELK. Log analyzing service of this stack is Logtrash. Kibana is a frontend web app for ElasticSearch to which you can use both Fluentd and Logstash to ship data (You can use fluent-plugin-elasticsearch for Fluentd, and ElasticSearch is the primary output for Logstash).

  1. Logstash uses JRuby, which means you need Java. Depending on one's preference, Logstash's dependency on Java can be either a pro or a con

  2. Elasticsearch community support. Logstash has a longer history of working with ElasticSearch and its community (they are awesome folks)

  3. Summary of popularity of logsniffers

Usage static of log analyzers Reff :