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Merge pull request #593 from Tragicus/cspr
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Update cs hook
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gares authored Feb 12, 2024
2 parents 7c9d321 + b4660ad commit 3b94c02
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Showing 5 changed files with 151 additions and 76 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Requires Elpi 1.18.2 and Coq 8.19.

### Apps
- TC: avoid declaring options twice (could make vscoq2 fail)
- CS: `cs` now takes a context, a term that is the projection of some structure applied to the parameters of the structure, a term to put a structure on and the solution to return

## [2.0.1] - 29/12/2023

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72 changes: 47 additions & 25 deletions apps/cs/src/coq_elpi_cs_hook.mlg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,48 +10,72 @@ module Evarconv = Evarconv
module Evarconv_hacked = Evarconv_hacked

let elpi_cs_hook program env sigma lhs rhs =
let (lhead, largs) = EConstr.decompose_app sigma lhs in
let (rhead, rargs) = EConstr.decompose_app sigma rhs in
if (EConstr.isConst sigma lhead && Structures.Structure.is_projection (fst (EConstr.destConst sigma lhead))) ||
(EConstr.isConst sigma rhead && Structures.Structure.is_projection (fst (EConstr.destConst sigma rhead)))
then begin
let elpi_cs_hook program env sigma (t1, sk1) (t2, sk2) =
let loc = API.Ast.Loc.initial "(unknown)" in
let atts = [] in
(*let sigma, ty = Typing.type_of env sigma lhs in*)
let sigma, (ty, _) = Evarutil.new_type_evar env sigma Evd.univ_flexible in
let { Coqlib.eq } = Coqlib.build_coq_eq_data () in
let sigma, eq = EConstr.fresh_global env sigma eq in
let t = EConstr.mkApp (eq,[|ty;lhs;rhs|]) in
let sigma, goal = Evarutil.new_evar env sigma t in
let () = Feedback.msg_info (Pp.str "cs hook start") in
let (proji, u), arg =
match Termops.global_app_of_constr sigma t1 with
| (Names.GlobRef.ConstRef proji, u), arg -> (proji, u), arg
| (proji, _), _ -> let () = Feedback.msg_info Pp.(str "proj is not const" ++ Names.GlobRef.print proji) in raise Not_found in
let () = Feedback.msg_info (Pp.str "cs hook got proj") in
let structure = Structures.Structure.find_from_projection proji in
let () = Feedback.msg_info (Pp.str "cs hook got structure") in
let params1, c1, extra_args1 =
match arg with
| Some c -> (* A primitive projection applied to c *)
let ty = Retyping.get_type_of ~lax:true env sigma c in
let (i,u), ind_args =
(* Are we sure that ty is not an evar? *)
Inductiveops.find_mrectype env sigma ty
in ind_args, c, sk1
| None ->
match Reductionops.Stack.strip_n_app structure.nparams sk1 with
| Some (params1, c1, extra_args1) -> (Option.get @@ Reductionops.Stack.list_of_app_stack params1), c1, extra_args1
| _ -> raise Not_found in
let () = Feedback.msg_info Pp.(str "cs hook got params & arg " ++ int (List.length sk2) ++ str " " ++ int (List.length extra_args1)) in
let sk2, extra_args2 =
if Reductionops.Stack.args_size sk2 = Reductionops.Stack.args_size extra_args1 then [], sk2
else match Reductionops.Stack.strip_n_app (Reductionops.Stack.args_size sk2 - Reductionops.Stack.args_size extra_args1 - 1) sk2 with
| None -> raise Not_found
| Some (l',el,s') -> ((Option.get @@ Reductionops.Stack.list_of_app_stack l') @ [el],s') in
let rhs = sigma (t2, Reductionops.Stack.append_app_list sk2 Reductionops.Stack.empty) in
let sigma, goal = Evarutil.new_evar env sigma (Retyping.get_type_of env sigma c1) in
let goal_evar, _ = EConstr.destEvar sigma goal in
let query ~depth state =
let state, (loc, q), gls =
Coq_elpi_HOAS.goals2query sigma [goal_evar] loc ~main:(Coq_elpi_HOAS.Solve [])
Coq_elpi_HOAS.goals2query sigma [goal_evar] loc ~main:(Coq_elpi_HOAS.Solve [EConstr.mkApp (EConstr.mkConstU (proji, EConstr.EInstance.empty), Array.of_list params1); rhs])
~in_elpi_tac_arg:Coq_elpi_arg_HOAS.in_elpi_tac_econstr ~depth state in
let state, qatts = atts2impl loc Summary.Stage.Interp ~depth state atts q in
let state = API.State.set Coq_elpi_builtins.tactic_mode state true in
state, (loc, qatts), gls
in let () = Feedback.msg_info Pp.(str "compile solver") in
match Interp.get_and_compile program with
| None -> None
| Some (cprogram, _) ->
match ~static_check:false cprogram (`Fun query) with
| API.Execute.Success solution ->
let () = Feedback.msg_info Pp.(str "run solver\n") in
begin try match ~static_check:false cprogram (`Fun query) with
| API.Execute.Success solution -> let () = Feedback.msg_info Pp.(str "found solution\n") in
let gls = Evar.Set.singleton goal_evar in
let sigma, _, _ = Coq_elpi_HOAS.solution2evd sigma solution gls in
let ty_evar, _ = EConstr.destEvar sigma ty in
Some (Evd.remove (Evd.remove sigma ty_evar) goal_evar)
if Evd.is_defined sigma goal_evar then
let lhs = sigma (EConstr.mkConstU (proji, EConstr.EInstance.empty), Reductionops.Stack.append_app_list (params1 @ [goal]) Reductionops.Stack.empty) in
let lhs = Reductionops.whd_const proji env sigma lhs in
let lhs = Reductionops.whd_betaiotazeta env sigma lhs in
let hh, sk1 = EConstr.decompose_app sigma lhs in
let () = Feedback.msg_info Pp.(str "aha" ++ Printer.pr_econstr_env env sigma lhs) in
let h2, sk2 = EConstr.decompose_app sigma rhs in
let _, params = EConstr.decompose_app sigma (Retyping.get_type_of env sigma goal) in
Some (sigma, (hh, h2), goal, [], (Array.to_list params, params1), (Array.to_list sk1, Array.to_list sk2), (extra_args1, extra_args2), c1, (None, rhs))
else None
| API.Execute.NoMoreSteps
| API.Execute.Failure -> None
| exception (Coq_elpi_utils.LtacFail (level, msg)) -> None
else None
| API.Execute.Failure -> let () = Feedback.msg_info Pp.(str "solver failed\n") in None
with e -> let () = Feedback.msg_info Pp.(str "solver crashed\n") in raise e end
| exception e -> let () = Feedback.msg_info Pp.(str "compiler crashed\n") in raise e

let add_cs_hook =
let cs_hook_program = Summary.ref ~name:"elpi-cs" None in
let cs_hook env sigma proj pat =
Feedback.msg_info (Pp.str "run");
match !cs_hook_program with
| None -> None
| Some h -> elpi_cs_hook h env sigma proj pat in
Expand All @@ -60,8 +84,6 @@ let add_cs_hook =
let inCs =
let cache program =
cs_hook_program := Some program;
Feedback.msg_info (Pp.str "activate");

Evarconv_hacked.activate_hook ~name in
let open Libobject in
Expand Down
104 changes: 82 additions & 22 deletions apps/cs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -488,7 +488,10 @@ let rec ise_stack2 no_app env evd f sk1 sk2 =
|_, _ -> fail (UnifFailure (i,(* Maybe improve: *) NotSameHead))
in ise_rev_stack2 false evd (List.rev sk1) (List.rev sk2)

type hook = Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> EConstr.t -> EConstr.t -> Evd.evar_map option
type hook = Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> (EConstr.t * Reductionops.Stack.t) -> (EConstr.t * Reductionops.Stack.t) -> (Evd.evar_map * (EConstr.t * EConstr.t) * EConstr.t * EConstr.t list *
(EConstr.t list * EConstr.t list) * (EConstr.t list * EConstr.t list) *
(Reductionops.Stack.t * Reductionops.Stack.t) * EConstr.constr *
(int option * EConstr.constr)) option

let all_hooks = ref (CString.Map.empty : hook CString.Map.t)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -591,6 +594,38 @@ let infer_conv_noticing_evars ~pb ~ts env sigma t1 t2 =
if !has_evar then None
else Some (UnifFailure (sigma, UnifUnivInconsistency e))

let pr_econstr = ref (fun _ _ _ -> Pp.str "unable to print econstr")

(* TODO: move to a proper place *)
let rec split_at n acc l =
if n = 0 then (List.rev acc, l)
else match l with
| [] -> (List.rev acc, l)
| h :: t -> split_at (n-1) (h :: acc) t
let split_at n l = split_at n [] l

let try_simplify_proj_construct flags env evd v k sk =
match k with (* try unfolding an applied projection on the rhs *)
| Proj (p, _, c) -> begin
let c = whd_all env evd c in (* reduce argument *)
try let (hd, args) = destApp evd c in
if isConstruct evd hd then Some (whd_nored_state env evd (args.(Projection.npars p + Projection.arg p), sk))
else None
with _ -> None
| Const (cn, _) when Structures.Structure.is_projection cn -> begin
match split_at (Structures.Structure.projection_nparams cn) (Option.default [] (Stack.list_of_app_stack sk)) with
| (_, []) -> None
| (_, c :: _) -> begin
let c = whd_all env evd c in
try let (hd, _) = destApp evd c in
if isConstruct evd hd then
Some (whd_betaiota_deltazeta_for_iota_state flags.open_ts env evd (v,sk))
else None
with _ -> None
end end
| _ -> None

let rec evar_conv_x flags env evd pbty term1 term2 =
let term1 = whd_head_evar evd term1 in
let term2 = whd_head_evar evd term2 in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -923,7 +958,10 @@ and evar_eqappr_x ?(rhs_is_already_stuck = false) flags env evd pbty
flex_maybeflex false ev2 appr2 appr1 v1

| MaybeFlexible v1, MaybeFlexible v2 -> begin
match EConstr.kind evd term1, EConstr.kind evd term2 with
let k1 = EConstr.kind evd term1 in
let k2 = EConstr.kind evd term2 in
match k1, k2 with
| LetIn (na1,b1,t1,c'1), LetIn (na2,b2,t2,c'2) ->
let f1 i = (* FO *)
ise_and i
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -996,16 +1034,22 @@ and evar_eqappr_x ?(rhs_is_already_stuck = false) flags env evd pbty
| None ->
UnifFailure (i,NotSameHead)
and f2 i =
(match try_simplify_proj_construct flags env evd v1 k1 sk1, try_simplify_proj_construct flags env evd v2 k2 sk2 with
| Some x1, Some x2 -> UnifFailure (i,NoCanonicalStructure)
| Some x1, None -> UnifFailure (i,NoCanonicalStructure)
| None, Some x2 -> UnifFailure (i,NoCanonicalStructure)
| _, _ -> (try
if not flags.with_cs then raise Not_found
else conv_record flags env
(try check_conv_record env i appr1 appr2
with Not_found -> check_conv_record env i appr2 appr1)
with Not_found ->
let sigma = i in
match apply_hooks env sigma ( sigma appr1) ( sigma appr2) with
| Some sigma -> Success sigma
| None -> UnifFailure (i,NoCanonicalStructure))
with Not_found -> begin match (apply_hooks env i appr1 appr2) with
| Some r -> r
| None -> begin try check_conv_record env i appr2 appr1
with Not_found -> begin match (apply_hooks env i appr2 appr1) with
| Some r -> r
| None -> raise Not_found
end end end)
with Not_found -> UnifFailure (i,NoCanonicalStructure)))
and f3 i =
(* heuristic: unfold second argument first, exception made
if the first argument is a beta-redex (expand a constant
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1044,7 +1088,7 @@ and evar_eqappr_x ?(rhs_is_already_stuck = false) flags env evd pbty
flags.open_ts env i (v2,sk2))
ise_try evd [f1; f2; f3]
end end

| Rigid, Rigid when EConstr.isLambda evd term1 && EConstr.isLambda evd term2 ->
let (na1,c1,c'1) = EConstr.destLambda evd term1 in
Expand All @@ -1062,14 +1106,21 @@ and evar_eqappr_x ?(rhs_is_already_stuck = false) flags env evd pbty
| Rigid, Flexible ev2 -> flex_rigid false ev2 appr2 appr1

| MaybeFlexible v1, Rigid ->
let k1 = EConstr.kind evd term1 in begin
let () = debug_unification (fun () -> Pp.(v 0 (str "v1 maybeflexible against rigid" ++ !pr_econstr env evd v1 ++ cut ()))) in
match try_simplify_proj_construct flags env evd v1 k1 sk1 with
| Some x1 -> evar_eqappr_x flags env evd pbty x1 appr2
| None ->
let f3 i =
if not flags.with_cs then raise Not_found
else conv_record flags env (check_conv_record env i appr1 appr2)
with Not_found -> let sigma = i in
match apply_hooks env sigma ( sigma appr1) ( sigma appr2) with
| Some sigma -> Success sigma
| None -> UnifFailure (i,NoCanonicalStructure))
else conv_record flags env (
try check_conv_record env i appr1 appr2 with
| Not_found -> begin match apply_hooks env i appr1 appr2 with
| Some r -> r
| None -> raise Not_found
with Not_found -> UnifFailure (i,NoCanonicalStructure))

and f4 i =
evar_eqappr_x flags env i pbty
Expand All @@ -1078,22 +1129,32 @@ and evar_eqappr_x ?(rhs_is_already_stuck = false) flags env evd pbty
ise_try evd [f3; f4]

| Rigid, MaybeFlexible v2 ->
let k2 = EConstr.kind evd term2 in begin
let () = debug_unification (fun () -> Pp.(v 0 (str "rigid against v2 maybeflexible" ++ !pr_econstr env evd v2 ++ cut ()))) in
match try_simplify_proj_construct flags env evd v2 k2 sk2 with
| Some x2 -> let () = debug_unification (fun () -> Pp.(v 0 (str "reduced to" ++ !pr_econstr env evd (let (x, _) = x2 in x)))) in evar_eqappr_x flags env evd pbty appr1 x2
| None ->
let f3 i =
if not flags.with_cs then raise Not_found
else conv_record flags env (check_conv_record env i appr2 appr1)
with Not_found -> let sigma = i in
match apply_hooks env sigma ( sigma appr1) ( sigma appr2) with
| Some sigma -> Success sigma
| None -> UnifFailure (i,NoCanonicalStructure))
else conv_record flags env (
try check_conv_record env i appr2 appr1 with
| Not_found -> begin let () = debug_unification (fun () -> Pp.(v 0 (str "ask cs hook"))) in match apply_hooks env i appr2 appr1 with
| Some r -> r
| None -> raise Not_found
| e -> let () = Feedback.msg_info Pp.(str "cs hook crashed") in failwith "argh")
with Not_found -> UnifFailure (i,NoCanonicalStructure))
and f4 i =
evar_eqappr_x flags env i pbty appr1
flags.open_ts env i (v2,sk2))
ise_try evd [f3; f4]

(* Eta-expansion *)
| Rigid, _ when isLambda evd term1 && (* if ever ill-typed: *) List.is_empty sk1 ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1277,8 +1338,7 @@ and conv_record flags env (evd,(h,h2),c,bs,(params,params1),(us,us2),(sk1,sk2),c
(fun i -> evar_conv_x flags env i CONV c1 app);
(fun i -> exact_ise_stack2 env i (evar_conv_x flags) sk1 sk2);
(fun i -> evar_conv_x flags env i CONV h2
(fst (decompose_app i (substl ks h))))]
(fun i -> evar_conv_x flags env i CONV h2 (fst (decompose_app i (substl ks h))))]
else UnifFailure(evd,(*dummy*)NotSameHead)

and eta_constructor flags env evd ((ind, i), u) sk1 (term2,sk2) =
Expand Down
31 changes: 11 additions & 20 deletions apps/cs/tests/test_cs.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,36 +3,27 @@ From Coq Require Import Bool.

Elpi Override CS All.

Structure S : Type :=
{ sort :> Type }.
Structure S (T : Type) : Type :=
{ sort :> T -> T }.

Elpi Accumulate cs.db lp:{{
Elpi Accumulate canonical_solution lp:{{

cs _ {{ sort lp:Sol }} {{ nat }} :-
Sol = {{ Build_S nat }}.
cs _ {{ sort lp:T }} {{ @id lp:T }} {{ Build_S lp:T (@id lp:T) }}.

Elpi Typecheck canonical_solution.

Check 1.
Check eq_refl _ : (sort _) = nat.
Definition nat1 := nat.
Check eq_refl _ : (sort nat _) = @id nat.
Check 11.
Check eq_refl _ : (sort nat _) 1 = @id nat 1.
Definition id1 := id.
Check 2.
Check eq_refl _ : (sort _) = nat1.
Check eq_refl _ : (sort nat _) = @id1 nat.
Definition sort1 := sort.
Check 3.
Check eq_refl _ : (sort1 _) = nat.
Check eq_refl _ : (sort1 nat _) = @id nat.
Check 4.
Check eq_refl _ : (sort1 _) = nat1.

Elpi Accumulate cs.db lp:{{

cs _ {{ sort lp:Sol }} {{ bool }} :-
% typing is wired in, do we want this?
std.spy(Sol = {{ Prop }}).

Elpi Typecheck canonical_solution.
Check eq_refl _ : (sort1 nat _) = @id1 nat.

19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions apps/cs/theories/cs.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,25 +3,26 @@ From elpi Require Import elpi.

Elpi Db cs.db lp:{{

% predicate [canonical-solution Ctx Lhs Rhs] used to unify Lhs with Rhs, with
% predicate [cs Ctx Proj Rhs Sol] used to find Sol such that Proj Sol = Rhs, where
% - [Ctx] is the context
% - [Lhs] and [Rhs] are the terms to unify
% - [Proj] is the projector of some structure, applied to the structure's parameters if any
% - [Rhs] the term to find a structure on.
:index (0 6 6)
pred cs i:goal-ctx, o:term, o:term.
pred cs i:goal-ctx, i:term, i:term, o:term.


Elpi Tactic canonical_solution.
Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
Elpi Accumulate Db cs.db.
Elpi Accumulate canonical_solution lp:{{

solve (goal Ctx _ {{ @eq lp:T lp:Lhs lp:Rhs }} _P []) _ :-
cs Ctx Lhs Rhs,
% std.assert! (P = {{ eq_refl lp:Lhs }}) "cs: wrong solution".
solve (goal Ctx _ _Ty Sol [trm Proj, trm Rhs]) _ :-
cs Ctx Proj Rhs Sol,
% std.assert! (P = {{ eq_refl lp:Lhs }}) "cs: wrong solution".

Elpi Accumulate Db cs.db.
Elpi Typecheck.
Elpi Typecheck canonical_solution.
Elpi CSFallbackTactic canonical_solution.

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