This is the External LOVD data viewer
. This package allows any PHP website to
show live data from a remote LOVD3 instance.
The data views are fully functional, allowing searching and sorting.
The data views are defined in the settings file, after which they can be called
with different search terms.
To use this viewer, simply include the inc-init.php
file, and use the $_LOVD
object to request the data view. See also example.php.
// Load the external view app.
require 'inc-init.php';
// Call for the full data view of the IVD gene using transcript ID 64, searching
// for data owners with a name containing "Fokkema", and hiding some unused
// columns, including the one we searched on.
$_LOVD->viewVariants('IVD', 64, array(
'search' => array(
'owned_by_' => 'Fokkema',
'cols_to_skip' => array(
'VariantOnGenome/ISCN' => 1,
'VariantOnGenome/Segregation' => 1,
'VariantOnGenome/Methylation' => 1,
'owned_by_' => 1,