This PeerSwap Playground provides a docker stack that comprises bitcoind, elementsd, 2x lnd nodes and 2x peerswap clients. It connects everything together, initializes the wallets, and creates a channel between the two nodes.
You can use this to get familiar with Peerswaps.
Start nodes:
docker compose up
Initialise the nodes:
Get the pubkey of one of the nodes:
PUBKEY=$(./bin/lncli lnd2 getinfo | jq -r '.identity_pubkey')
Get details of channel connecting the two nodes:
CHANID=$(./bin/lncli lnd1 listchannels | jq -r --arg pubkey "$PUBKEY" '.channels[] | select(.remote_pubkey == $pubkey) | .chan_id')
Initiate a swapout:
./bin/pscli peerswap1 swapout --channel_id $CHANID --sat_amt 1000000 --asset lbtc
Mine 3 blocks on the Liquid network:
./bin/elements-cli -rpcwallet=peerswap1 -generate 3
Wait ~10 seconds...
sleep 10
Track progress:
./bin/pscli peerswap1 listswaps
./bin/pscli peerswap2 listswaps
Check liquid balances:
./bin/pscli peerswap1 lbtc-getbalance
./bin/pscli peerswap2 lbtc-getbalance
Check channel balance:
./bin/lncli lnd1 listchannels | grep -A 3 $CHANID
./bin/lncli lnd2 listchannels | grep -A 3 $CHANID
Clean everything:
docker compose down --volumes