This framework is part of a student research project at DHBW Stuttgart and provides a partial implementation of the EEBUS protocols SHIP and SPINE.
The documentation of the student research project can be found here:
The other part of the research project was the implementation of device specific code. The GitHub repository can be found here:
The following code shows how the framework can be used in general:
// Importing the framework
import eebus ""
// Configure EEBUS node
eebusNode = eebus.NewEebusNode("", true, "gateway", "0001", "DHBW", "Gateway")
// IP-Adr, is gateway, ssl cert name, device ID, brand name, device type
eebusNode.Update = update // set method called on subscription updates
// Function that creates device structure
// Start node
The following code shows how the device structure for an EEBUS node can be created, in this example an ActuatorSwitch device is created:
eebusNode.DeviceStructure.DeviceType = "Generic"
eebusNode.DeviceStructure.DeviceAddress = "Switch1"
eebusNode.DeviceStructure.Entities = []*resources.EntityModel{
EntityType: "Switch",
EntityAddress: 0,
Features: []*resources.FeatureModel{
// Entitiy 0, Feature 0 always has to be node management
FeatureType: "ActuatorSwitch",
FeatureAddress: 1,
Role: "client",
Functions: resources.ActuatorSwitch("button", "button for leds"),
BindingTo: []string{"ActuatorSwitch"},
// Create node management again, in order to update discovery data
eebusNode.DeviceStructure.Entities[0].Features[0] = eebusNode.DeviceStructure.CreateNodeManagement(false)
The gateway device has a list of requests, the following code shows how requests can be accepted from the gateway:
// Requests are saved in the following list:
i := 0 // Select the first entry as an example
// Accept request by connecting with the device
req := eebusNode.SpineNode.ShipNode.Requests[i]
go eebusNode.SpineNode.ShipNode.Connect(req.Path, req.Ski)
// Remove request from list
eebusNode.SpineNode.ShipNode.Requests = append(eebusNode.SpineNode.ShipNode.Requests[:i], eebusNode.SpineNode.ShipNode.Requests[i+1:]...)
How subscription messages can be read:
func update(data resources.DatagramType, conn spine.SpineConnection) {
entitySource := data.Header.AddressSource.Entity
featureSource := data.Header.AddressSource.Feature
if conn.DiscoveryInformation.FeatureInformation[featureSource].Description.FeatureType == "Measurement" {
var Function *resources.MeasurementDataType
err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(data.Payload.Cmd.Function), &Function)
// Function.Value contains measured value
How the states of features can be read:
for _, e := range eebusNode.SpineNode.Connections {
for _, feature := range e.SubscriptionData {
if feature.FeatureType == "ActuatorSwitch" && feature.EntityType == "LED" {
var state *resources.FunctionElement
err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(feature.CurrentState), &state)
// state.Function contains the state (on/off)
How subscription messages can be send:
for _, e := range eebusNode.SpineNode.Subscriptions {
e.Send("notify", resources.MakePayload("actuatorSwitchData",
Function: "on",
How binding messages can be send:
for _, e := range eebusNode.SpineNode.Bindings {
e.Send("write", resources.MakePayload("actuatorSwitchData",
Function: "toggle",
The framework is devided into the SHIP protocol, the SPINE protocol and defined EEBUS resources.
The following images show the UML diagrams for the framework: