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CMSSW package for producing NANOaod eXtended (NANOX) files containing additional jet data required for training and evaluation.

This is now deprecated. Please refer to the LLPReco package.

build tests


Requires CMSSW_10_2_18

cmsrel CMSSW_10_2_18
cd CMSSW_10_2_18/src
git cms-merge-topic cms-nanoAOD:master-102X
git checkout -b nanoAOD cms-nanoAOD/master-102X
git clone [email protected]:llpdnnx/nanox.git
scram b

Example configurations

  • generic MC: cmsRun NANOX/NANOXProducer/test/
  • generic data: cmsRun NANOX/NANOXProducer/test/
  • for LLP analysis: cmsRun NANOX/LLPSpecific/test/

Short description

  • DataFormats: Common data containers
  • DisplacedVertex: Groups particles sharing the same displacement together
  • GhostTagging: Alternative tagging algorithm using gluino daughters (deprecated)
  • Jet: Plugins & data containers to generate and store additional jet variables for training
  • LLPSpecific: Gathers and stores additional information about simulated gluinos in events
  • NANOXProducer: Convertes data containters into nanoaod flat tables
  • Utils: Helpful scripts/plugins