CMSSW package for producing NANOaod eXtended (NANOX) files containing additional jet data required for training and evaluation.
This is now deprecated. Please refer to the LLPReco package.
Requires CMSSW_10_2_18
cmsrel CMSSW_10_2_18
cd CMSSW_10_2_18/src
git cms-merge-topic cms-nanoAOD:master-102X
git checkout -b nanoAOD cms-nanoAOD/master-102X
git clone [email protected]:llpdnnx/nanox.git
scram b
- generic MC:
cmsRun NANOX/NANOXProducer/test/
- generic data:
cmsRun NANOX/NANOXProducer/test/
- for LLP analysis:
cmsRun NANOX/LLPSpecific/test/
- DataFormats: Common data containers
- DisplacedVertex: Groups particles sharing the same displacement together
- GhostTagging: Alternative tagging algorithm using gluino daughters (deprecated)
- Jet: Plugins & data containers to generate and store additional jet variables for training
- LLPSpecific: Gathers and stores additional information about simulated gluinos in events
- NANOXProducer: Convertes data containters into nanoaod flat tables
- Utils: Helpful scripts/plugins