First install the packages:
pip install pure_agent
setup your config.yaml
api_key: xxx
model: gpt-4o-mini
temperature: 0.8
top_p: 0.8
max_tokens: 512
write your first agent based on pure_agent!
from pure_agent import BaseAgent, RoleCtx, append_msg
class MyAgent(BaseAgent):
def greeting(self, sys_name, prompt):
with RoleCtx('system'):
yield f"You are a helpful assistant, your name is {sys_name}."
with RoleCtx('user'):
yield prompt
agent = MyAgent(client_config='config.yaml')
response = agent.greeting('agent0', 'who are u?')
use multi-thread:
from pure_agent import *
class MyAgent(BaseAgent):
def greeting(self, sys_name, prompt):
with RoleCtx('system'):
yield f"You are a helpful assistant, your name is {sys_name}."
with RoleCtx('user'):
yield prompt
sys_names = ['pbot0', 'pbot1']
prompts = ['who are u?', 'who are u?']
with MultiThreadExecutor(10, '.cache') as pool:
for i in range(len(sys_names)):
agent = MyAgent(client_config='config.yaml')
task = agent.greeting(sys_names[i], prompts[i])
# print(pretty_print_nested(msgs))