VisProt is a MATLAB-based package designed for electron microscopy image-prosessing and differential visual proteomics.
Create a project directory and add the vp package.
In the project directory create the folder RawMicrographs that contains micrographs of different samples (eg: RawMicrographs/Sample1/, RawMicrographs/Sample2/, etc).
Launch MATLAB in the project directory and initiate VisProt with either:
for particle picking with MATLAB (.tif micrographs) or
for particle picking with Gautomatch (.mrc micrographs).
- Supported platforms: MacOS/Linux
- Matlab 9.0 (R2016a) or later
- MATLAB Central File Exchange:
- Cobeldick, Stephen (2012). Natural-Order Filename Sort
- Sigworth, Fred (2009). Imagic, MRC and DM3 file i/o
- Altman, Yair (2007). Findjobj - Find java handles of Matlab graphic objects
- Relion-2.1
- Gautomatch v0.53
- CTFFIND-4.1.4