The Laser-Robotics is a robotics lab at the UFPB. We work with ground and
aerial robots, we developed this plataform for academic use in the robotic
subject of the Computer Enginnering program.
🚧 Does not work with
multiple robots (yet...) 🚧
- Ubuntu 22.04
- ROS 2 Humble
- Gazebo
L1BR is a differencial robot who can move around a warehouse to go under the shelves and lift them to other positions.
Oni is a omnidirectional robot that was made for academic purposes so students can test a omnidirectional robot.
In your workspace inside the src
folder do the following command:
git clone cd ugv_system chmod +x ./
To build the packages go to your workspace and do the following command:
colcon build
Run this command:
ros2 launch ugv_simulation world_launch.pyIf you want to change the world, go to
and place the new .world
file. Still in the worlds
folder, run the following command changing world_name
by your world's name.
ros2 launch ugv_simulation
- L1BR
ros2 launch ugv_robots_descriptions
- Oni
ros2 launch ugv_robots_descriptions
Run this command to control your robot with keyboard:
- L1BR
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args-r /cmd_vel:=/diff_cont/cmd_vel_unstamped
- Oni
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args-r /cmd_vel:=/oni/cmd_vel