##about: clone note book is a simple tk note taking app it allows you to organise your notes based on title and allows you to create multiple notebooks. The notebooks will be stored as a Individual XML files clone note book will be crossplatform but it is sujested that you use it on linux.
##objectives: ####Tkinter GUI
i have created a Gui for clone-notebook that is user freindly but i am still working on makeing it better like adding a drop down menu for the "save" insted of the button
####cration of notes
i have been able to create notes by saveing the notes in the file called "notebook.txt". every new note has a tag infront of it: "" which simblise that there is a note there so i can create a list using the python libary re
####deletion of notes
so far i am trying to find out how to get rid of a note in both the text file "notebook.txt" and in the list in my code so far i have made some progess i should be done soon
####editing of notes
right now if you clicked the save button after you edited a note than it would create a new note and note edit the existing one. i am still work on it but being that it is low prioraty i am not going to deal with it just yet