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Add first version of a metric for outgoing HTTP requests
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This is a work in progress and is very heavy inspired by fimad/prometheus-haskell#22 (comment)
  • Loading branch information
L7R7 committed Aug 3, 2020
1 parent db8c1ef commit 1c9e113
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Showing 3 changed files with 35 additions and 12 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/App.hs
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module App where
import Config
import Core.Lib
import Env
import Inbound.HTTP.Metrics (HasPipelinesOverviewGauge (..), Metrics, currentPipelinesOverview)
import Inbound.HTTP.Metrics (HasOutgoingHttpRequestsHistogram (..), HasPipelinesOverviewGauge (..), Metrics (..), currentPipelinesOverview)
import Katip
import RIO

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,4 +49,7 @@ instance HasUiUpdateInterval App where
uiUpdateIntervalL = lens (uiUpdateIntervalSecs . config) (\app u -> app {config = (config app) {uiUpdateIntervalSecs = u}})

instance HasPipelinesOverviewGauge App where
getPipelinesOverviewGaugeL = lens (currentPipelinesOverview . metrics) (\app cpo -> app {metrics = (metrics app) {currentPipelinesOverview = cpo}})
pipelinesOverviewGaugeL = lens (currentPipelinesOverview . metrics) (\app cpo -> app {metrics = (metrics app) {currentPipelinesOverview = cpo}})

instance HasOutgoingHttpRequestsHistogram App where
outgoingHttpRequestsHistogramL = lens (outgoingHttpRequestsHistogram . metrics) (\app ohrh -> app {metrics = (metrics app) {outgoingHttpRequestsHistogram = ohrh}})
25 changes: 21 additions & 4 deletions src/Inbound/HTTP/Metrics.hs
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Expand Up @@ -5,11 +5,13 @@

module Inbound.HTTP.Metrics
( HasPipelinesOverviewGauge (..),
HasOutgoingHttpRequestsHistogram (..),
Metrics (..),
VectorWithLabel (..),

Expand All @@ -27,16 +29,21 @@ registerGhcMetrics = register ghcMetrics

type PipelinesOverviewGauge = Vector Label1 Gauge

newtype Metrics = Metrics {currentPipelinesOverview :: PipelinesOverviewGauge}
type OutgoingHttpRequestsHistogram = Vector Label1 Histogram

data Metrics = Metrics {currentPipelinesOverview :: PipelinesOverviewGauge, outgoingHttpRequestsHistogram :: OutgoingHttpRequestsHistogram}

registerPipelinesOverviewMetric :: IO PipelinesOverviewGauge
registerPipelinesOverviewMetric =
register $
vector "build_status" $
gauge (Info "build_pipelines_by_status_gauge" "Gauge that indicates the count of the pipeline statuses grouped by their result")

registerOutgoingHttpRequestsHistogram :: IO OutgoingHttpRequestsHistogram
registerOutgoingHttpRequestsHistogram = register $ vector "path" $ histogram (Info "outgoing_http_requests_histogram" "Histogram indicating how long outgoing HTTP request durations") defaultBuckets

registerAppMetrics :: IO Metrics
registerAppMetrics = Metrics <$> registerPipelinesOverviewMetric
registerAppMetrics = Metrics <$> registerPipelinesOverviewMetric <*> registerOutgoingHttpRequestsHistogram

updatePipelinesOverviewMetric :: PipelinesOverviewGauge -> BuildStatuses -> IO ()
updatePipelinesOverviewMetric _ NoSuccessfulUpdateYet = pure ()
Expand All @@ -61,7 +68,7 @@ resetValues = fromList $ (,0) <$> enumerate

updateMetrics :: (HasBuildStatuses env, HasPipelinesOverviewGauge env) => RIO env ()
updateMetrics = do
pipelinesGauge <- view getPipelinesOverviewGaugeL
pipelinesGauge <- view pipelinesOverviewGaugeL
statuses <- getStatuses
liftIO $ updatePipelinesOverviewMetric pipelinesGauge statuses

Expand All @@ -71,7 +78,17 @@ updateMetricsRegularly = forever $ do
threadDelay $ 10 * 1000000

class HasPipelinesOverviewGauge env where
getPipelinesOverviewGaugeL :: Lens' env PipelinesOverviewGauge
pipelinesOverviewGaugeL :: Lens' env PipelinesOverviewGauge

class HasOutgoingHttpRequestsHistogram env where
outgoingHttpRequestsHistogramL :: Lens' env OutgoingHttpRequestsHistogram

countOccurrences :: (Ord k, Num a) => (t -> k) -> [t] -> Map k a
countOccurrences f xs = fromListWith (+) [(f x, 1) | x <- xs]

data VectorWithLabel l m = VectorWithLabel (Vector l m) l

instance (Label l, Observer m) => Observer (VectorWithLabel l m) where
observe (VectorWithLabel vctr label) value = withLabel vctr label f
f metric = observe metric value
15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions src/Outbound/Gitlab/GitlabAPI.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,14 +10,16 @@ import Core.Lib (GroupId, HasGetPipelines (..), HasGetProjects (..), PipelineId
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Env (HasApiToken, apiTokenL, baseUrlL, groupIdL)
import Inbound.HTTP.Metrics
import Network.HTTP.Simple (Request, getResponseBody, httpJSONEither, parseRequest_, setRequestHeader)
import Prometheus (observeDuration)
import RIO

instance HasGetProjects App where
getProjects = do
baseUrl <- view baseUrlL
group <- view groupIdL
fetchData $ projectsRequest baseUrl group
fetchData "/api/v4/groups/{groupId}/projects" $ projectsRequest baseUrl group

projectsRequest :: BaseUrl -> GroupId -> Request
projectsRequest baseUrl gId =
Expand All @@ -26,19 +28,20 @@ projectsRequest baseUrl gId =
instance HasGetPipelines App where
getPipelines pId = do
baseUrl <- view baseUrlL
fetchData $ pipelinesRequest baseUrl pId
fetchData "/api/v4/projects/{projectId}/pipelines" $ pipelinesRequest baseUrl pId
getSinglePipeline project pipeline = do
baseUrl <- view baseUrlL
fetchData $ singlePipelineRequest baseUrl project pipeline
fetchData "/api/v4/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId}" $ singlePipelineRequest baseUrl project pipeline

pipelinesRequest :: BaseUrl -> ProjectId -> Request
pipelinesRequest (BaseUrl baseUrl) (ProjectId i) = parseRequest_ $ mconcat [baseUrl, "/api/v4/projects/", show i, "/pipelines?scope=branches"]

singlePipelineRequest :: BaseUrl -> ProjectId -> PipelineId -> Request
singlePipelineRequest (BaseUrl baseUrl) (ProjectId project) (PipelineId pipeline) = parseRequest_ $ mconcat [baseUrl, "/api/v4/projects/", show project, "/pipelines/", show pipeline]

fetchData :: (HasApiToken env, FromJSON a) => Request -> RIO env (Either UpdateError a)
fetchData request = do
fetchData :: (HasApiToken env, HasOutgoingHttpRequestsHistogram env, FromJSON a) => Text -> Request -> RIO env (Either UpdateError a)
fetchData metricLabel request = do
token <- view apiTokenL
result <- try (mapLeft ConversionError . getResponseBody <$> httpJSONEither (setRequestHeader "PRIVATE-TOKEN" [coerce token] request))
histogram <- view outgoingHttpRequestsHistogramL
result <- liftIO $ observeDuration (VectorWithLabel histogram metricLabel) (try (mapLeft ConversionError . getResponseBody <$> httpJSONEither (setRequestHeader "PRIVATE-TOKEN" [coerce token] request)))
pure . join $ mapLeft HttpError result

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