Shell implemented in c
Kaustav Vats (2016048)
In my shell i have used fgets to take input from user then split it and stored the string in a array of pointers. Commands i implemented in my shell are
Internal -->
- Exit
- pwd
- help
- echo
- cd
- history
External -->
- ls
- cat
- date
- rm
- mkdir
Options used for each command echo = -n, -e and -E ls = -a, -1, -a1 or -1a cat = -n, -E date = -r, -u rm = -d, -i, -i -d or -d -i mkdir = -m, -v
Error check for number of arguments for all commands.
Error check for option not available for all commands.
Error check for file existence.
Error check for command available or not.
Assumptions i made that for some commands user wont pass combined options.(Implemented for few commands)
For string in echo and path for cd. user can only pass arguments with max one space.
Command will be in order: [command] [option] [file/string]
- All binaries should be stored in /commands directory.
- For history log file i hardcoded absolute path for file.
- In shell.c i have used absolute path for all binaries.
- If you want to run this shell in your pc, please change it before running Makefile.
- For mkdir -m option mode wont work for NTFS partition.