- [AllBundles]: change symfony 2 to symfony 3 #1408 (@sandergo90)
- [NodeBundle]: remove choices_as_values #1407 (@sandergo90)
- [MediaBundle] Use https link for slideshare embed #1402 (@dannyvw)
- [AdminBundle] Typo #1401 (@dannyvw)
- [MediaBundle] Remove duplicate translation #1399 (@dannyvw)
- [GeneratorBundle]: fix typo made #1397 (@sandergo90)
- [All Bundles]: Upgrading to symfony 3.2 #1386 (@sandergo90)
- [AdminListBundle]: Add Form & Request property and Response function in AdminListEvent #1371 (@mattiasdelang)
- [AdminBundle] Update Guzzle version #1370 (@aistis-)
- [NodeBundle]: check if we have a request #1368 (@sandergo90)
- [PagePartBundle] Url chooser dutch #1366 (@sandergo90)
- [RedirectBundle] Added unique entity constraint for redirect entity #1362 (@dannyvw)
- [GeneratorBundle] better papgepart code generation #1361 (@Devolicious)
- [GeneratorBundle] better code generation and some fixes #1359 (@Devolicious)
- [MediaBundle] Cleanup service old media migrate command #1355 (@dannyvw)
- [AdminBundle][MultiDomainBundle] Fixed missing getFullHostConfig #1352 (@dannyvw)
- [NodeSearchBundle]: fix request scope #1350 (@mattiasdelang)
- [NodeBundle]: change selectLink template #1346 (@sandergo90)
- Revert "[AllBundles] Fixed switching domain" #1345 (@jockri)
- [ConfigBundle] Fixed: non-abstract classes in constructor, code style #1344 (@aistis-)
- Revert "[AllBundle]: removed getName from twig extensions" #1339 (@jockri)
- [FormBundle]: fix TopMenuItem #1338 (@mattiasdelang)
- [TranslatorBundle]: Scale textarea to content #1337 (@mattiasdelang)
- [AllBundle]: removed getName from twig extensions #1336 (@mattiasdelang)
- [AdminListBundle]: don't redirect on add form #1335 (@sandergo90)
- [AdminListBundle] Update PhpDoc #1327 (@aistis-)
- [NodeBundle]: url chooser fix #1322 (@sandergo90)
- [Composer]: revert twig to 1.25 #1321 (@sandergo90)
- [URLChooser]: add link_types #1319 (@sandergo90)
- [AllBundles] Fixed switching domain #1302 (@dannyvw)
- [NodeBundle] Cleanup old command #1300 (@dannyvw)
- [AllBundles] Remove choices_as_values #1297 (@dannyvw)
- Remove whitespace #1295 (@aistis-)
- [FormBundle] Remove reference to removed sequence_number column #1291 (@jockri)
- [NodeBundle] Typo #1290 (@aistis-)
- [NodeBundle]: add posibility to 'lock' nodes for editing #1248 #1285 (@treeleaf)
- [GeneratorBundle]: fix last test #1282 (@sandergo90)
- [AdminListBundle]: urlchooser ajax requests #1278 (@sandergo90)
- [AllBundles] Final v4.0.0 release todo #1255 (@sandergo90)
- [MultiDomainBundle] Check if host exists #1251 (@sandergo90)
- [AdminBundle]: sequence can't be submitted for new url chooser #1249 (@sandergo90)
- [AllBundles] fix cmf routing dependency #1240 (@Devolicious)
- [AllBundles] URLChooser major changes #1225 (@sandergo90)