A dirt-simple composable koajs proxy.
npm i --save koa-pixie-proxy
var pixie = require('koa-pixie-proxy');
var koa = require('koa');
var router = require('koa-router');
var app = koa();
var proxy = pixie({host: 'http://example.com'});
// Proxy requests to server/hurp to example.com/durp
app.get('/hurp', proxy('/durp'));
// works with url params as long as they match the url params
// in the request to your server
app.get('some/:param/here/:id', proxy('someother/:param/maybesomethingelse/:id/durp'));
// if you leave out a url it proxies to host + this.url
app.post('/foobar', proxy());
To allow later middleware to modify the response, koa-pixie-proxy
set response headers, status and body but won't actually send the result to the
client. This means you give up nice proxy pipelining, but you can do things like
modify the result of a proxy like this:
app.get('/hurp', proxy('/durp'), function*() {
// add a property to the body already proxied
this.body.beans = 'baz'