Command Line Search Utility to search for words in all files inside the specified directory and all it's sub directories.
Searches the input search string in all the files concurrently.
git clone
go build
gofind -dir="your search directory path" -search="your search string"
Utility is customizable with a "config.json" file which determines which file extensions to search for and search type.
Sample config.json
"excludeDirectories" : ["node_modules","bin","obj"],
"excludeFiles":["launch.json", "appsettings.json"],
"allowedExtensions" : [".go", ".json", ".txt", ".cs",".java", ".cpp", ".c", ".xml", ".js", ".ts", ".csproj",".html"],
- excludeDirectories :> Excludes the specified directories from searching
- excludeFiles :> Excludes the specified files from searching
- allowedExtensions :> Only searches within the files specified in this
- matchCase :> Determines whether to do a "case sensitive search"
- matchFullWord :> Determines whethet to match the "full word" or "partial text"