Bundle allows you to use HandlerSocket inside your Symfony2 project.
add to composer.json row
"konstantin-kuklin/handlersocket-bundle": "dev-master"
add to AppKernel.php row
new KonstantinKuklin\HandlerSocketBundle\HandlerSocketBundle()
add to your config file:
host: localhost
port: 9998
debug: "%kernel.debug%"
auth_key: "Password_Read1"
host: localhost
port: 9999
debug: "%kernel.debug%"
Now HS Reader and Writer are available from Symfony DI
/** @var \HS\Reader $reader */
$reader = $this->get("hs_reader");
/** @var \HS\Writer $writer */
$writer = $this->get("hs_writer");
About queries and more detailed HandlerSocket information you can read on (https://github.com/KonstantinKuklin/HandlerSocketLibrary).
Also HS debug information is available on symfony web console
Symfony2 web console with HS:
HS page on profiler:
HS page with detailed output information on profiler: