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Maya Archaeology VR - Project for CSE 237D Course Spring 2022

This repository contains the code for data recording, visual-inertial SLAM, and dense reconstruction. The VR part of this project can be found in the main repository on GitLab.

An example collected RGB-D sequence can be view in the video below.
Kitchen RGB-D sequence

The reconstructed mesh with 5 mm TSDF voxel resolution and camera pose refinement is shown below.

Group Members

  • Kolin Guo
  • Shrutheesh Iyer
  • Tommy Sharkey

D435i IMU Calibration

The steps are mainly summaries taken from Intel D435i IMU Calibration Guide and their official RealSense SDK.
If there is anything unclear or any software change occur, refer to them for any updates.
Our calibration results are included in d435i_imu_calibration/.

Detailed steps to perform IMU calibration of D435i on Ubuntu

Prerequisites: Ubuntu >= 18.04, Python 3 (pip, numpy)

  • Step 1: Install Intel RealSense SDK pyrealsense2 wrapper:
    sudo pip3 install pyrealsense2
  • Step 2: Clone Intel RealSense SDK:
    git clone
  • Step 3: Run librealsense/tools/rs-imu-calibration/ with sudo to perform IMU calibration. Check this for more information.
    cd librealsense/tools/rs-imu-calibration
    sudo python3
  • Step 4: At the end of the calibration script, select to write the results to D435i's eeprom.

Note that if you are connected to a laptop, your screen might rotate according to the connected D435i orientation. This is because the OS sees the IMU inside D435i as any IMU inside a tablet and thus will rotate screen orientation following it. To turn screen rotation off, see this post.

Data Recording and Reconstruction Workflow

The steps to run the entire system are:

  1. Pull the docker images and build the containers with ./ <container-name>.
    Alternatively, run ./ <container-name> -l to build docker images locally from the Dockerfiles.
    When building the container for the first time, copy and run the "Command to compile" in the login banner.
  2. Open camera using ./realsense_capture/ from realsense_capture container.
  3. Start tracking using ./slam_algorithms/maplab/ <bag-name> from maplab container.
  4. Stop tracking by pressing <ctrl-c> and stopping the containers.
  5. Reconstruct 3D mesh by running the following python script inside maya_recon container.
    python3 /maya-slam/scene_recon/open3d_tsdf/ <bag-path> --voxel-length <voxel-length> --pose-refine
  6. Split mesh into chunks by running the following python script inside maya_recon container.
    python3 /maya-slam/scene_recon/ <ply-path> --box-size <box-size>

Some helpful scripts for visualization (all of them should be run inside maya_recon container):

  • Convert a rosbag to an MP4 video with RGB and depth images:
    python3 /maya-slam/tools/ <bag-path>
  • Visualize PLY meshes or the split meshes (supports up to 4 meshes at the same time, usage examples can be found in the python script
    python3 /maya-slam/tools/ <ply-path>...

Detail Descriptions of the System Modules and Their Docker Containers

Camera Capture: realsense_capture

docker image Dockerfile Estimated compile time
kolinguo/realsense:v1.0 docker/Dockerfile_realsense 1-2 minutes

Container for launching and configuring the Intel RealSense D435i RGBD camera.
This docker image has Ubuntu 18.04, CUDA 11.3.1, ROS Melodic, OpenCV 4.4.0, librealsense, realsense-ros.

Build & compile codebase

  1. ./ realsense_capture to pull the docker image and build the container.
  2. cd realsense_capture && ./ to compile the packages.


Run ./realsense_capture/ to start the camera.
This will launch the launch file realsense_d435i_rviz.launch. It is configured to launch the RGB color feed (1280x720 @ 30 fps), depth feed (848x480 @ 30 fps) aligned with color using HighAccuracyPreset, and the IMU sensors (accel and gyro @ 200 fps).

Note: RealSense D435i depth presets and performance tuning

To obtain better performance of the D435i depth camera, we followed the post of RealSense D400 series visual presets and uses the HighAccuracyPreset. All presets can be found here. For the best performance, please check out the advanced guide for tuning depth cameras.

Visual-Inertial SLAM #1: maplab

docker image Dockerfile Estimated compile time
kolinguo/maplab:v1.0 docker/Dockerfile_maplab 35-45 minutes

Container for launching and configuring maplab, which is a visual-inertial SLAM supporting RGB-D+IMU mapping.
This docker image has Ubuntu 18.04, CUDA 11.3.1, ROS Melodic, OpenCV 4.4.0, librealsense, realsense-ros.

Build & compile codebase

  1. ./ maplab to pull the docker image and build the container.
  2. cd slam_algorithms/maplab && ./ to compile the packages.


Run ./slam_algorithms/maplab/ <bag-name> to start the camera tracking. It accepts a <bag-name> argument which will record and save the rosbag as /maya-slam/slam_algorithms/rosbags/d435i_{bag-name}_{TIMESTAMP}.bag

The script will launch the launch file realsense.launch. It will run maplab by calling run_realsense, display the trajectory in RVIZ and also record color/depth/imu/camera pose trajectory generated by maplab as topics into a rosbag. The RealSense camera parameters can be modified in realsense-camera.yaml and realsense-imu.yaml.

πŸ“£ Remember to update the camera parameters for your RealSense camera

Visual-Inertial SLAM #2: orbslam3

docker image Dockerfile Estimated compile time
kolinguo/orbslam3:v1.0 docker/Dockerfile_orbslam3 5-6 minutes

Container for launching and configuring ORB-SLAM3, the state-of-the-art ORB-feature-based visual-inertial SLAM algorithm on stereo+IMU system.
This docker image has Ubuntu 18.04, CUDA 11.3.1, ROS Melodic, OpenCV 4.4.0, librealsense, realsense-ros, Python 3.6.9 with Jupyter Notebook.

Unfortunately, for RGB-D+IMU systems such as the RealSense D435i, ORB-SLAM3 does not have great performance and can sometimes lose track in featureless areas according to our experiments.

Build & compile codebase

  1. ./ orbslam3 to pull the docker image and build the container.
  2. cd slam_algorithms/ORB_SLAM3 && ./ && ./ to compile the packages.


Run roslaunch ORB_SLAM3 rgbd_d435i.launch to launch tracking along with RealSense camera.
The trajectory is written as /maya-slam/slam_algorithms/ORB_SLAM3/Examples_old/ROS/ORB_SLAM3/FrameTrajectory.txt

A Jupyter notebook Fix_ORBSLAM3_Lose_Track.ipynb is included to fix any tracking loss in the ORB-SLAM3 camera pose trajectory by performing a consecutive frame multi-scale ICP of the two frames before and after losing track. Although not included yet, rosbag generation from the predicted camera pose trajectory can be easily written, enabling mesh reconstruction.

❗ ORB-SLAM3 has not been tested extensively for the project and we recommend using maplab for SLAM

Running ORB-SLAM3 on SLAM Datasets

Please place all datasets in slam_algorithms/datasets/
For TUM_VI, ORB-SLAM3 expects the data in raw format (i.e., Euroc / DSO 512x512 dataset) instead of rosbags.

β”œβ”€β”€ TUM_VI
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ dataset-corridor1_512_16
β”‚   β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ dso
β”‚   β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ cam0
β”‚   β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ cam1
β”‚   β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ camchain.yaml
β”‚   β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ gt_imu.csv
β”‚   β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ imu_config.yaml
β”‚   β”‚Β Β  β”‚Β Β  └── imu.txt
β”‚   β”‚Β Β  └── mav0
β”‚   β”‚Β Β      β”œβ”€β”€ cam0
β”‚   β”‚Β Β      β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ data
β”‚   β”‚Β Β      β”‚Β Β  └── data.csv
β”‚   β”‚Β Β      β”œβ”€β”€ cam1
β”‚   β”‚Β Β      β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ data
β”‚   β”‚Β Β      β”‚Β Β  └── data.csv
β”‚   β”‚Β Β      β”œβ”€β”€ imu0
β”‚   β”‚Β Β      β”‚Β Β  └── data.csv
β”‚   β”‚Β Β      └── mocap0
β”‚   β”‚Β Β          └── data.csv
│   └── ...
└── EuRoC
Running ORB-SLAM3

Use to run with TUM_VI dataset.
(Note: the seg fault at the end is not an issue since it only happens during destruction.)

Convert Rosbag to MP4 Video: maya_recon

docker image Dockerfile Estimated compile time
kolinguo/maya_recon:v1.0 docker/Dockerfile_maya_recon No need to compile

Container for converting a rosbag to an MP4 video with RGB and depth images.
Uses PIL and OpenCV for image editing and video generation. Utilizes the custom ImageHelper class for combining images and adding texts.
This docker image has Ubuntu 20.04, CUDA 11.3.1, ROS Noetic, OpenCV 4.2.0, Python 3.8.10 with Jupyter Notebook and requirements.txt.


  1. ./ maya_recon to pull the docker image and build the container.


Run the following python script to convert the rosbag at <bag-path> into an MP4 video. The generated video is saved as {bag-path}_bag_frames/{bag-name}_bag_frames.mp4

python3 ./tools/ <bag-path>

Dense Reconstruction #1: maya_recon

docker image Dockerfile Estimated compile time
kolinguo/maya_recon:v1.0 docker/Dockerfile_maya_recon No need to compile

Container for dense 3D mesh reconstruction from RGB-D observations and the estimated camera pose trajectory.
Uses Open3D ScalableTSDFVolume to reconstruct the scene. Supports adding a consecutive frame camera pose refinement step to improve the estimated camera poses. The pose refinement is based on multi-scale ICP.
This docker image has Ubuntu 20.04, CUDA 11.3.1, ROS Noetic, OpenCV 4.2.0, Python 3.8.10 with Jupyter Notebook and requirements.txt.


  1. ./ maya_recon to pull the docker image and build the container.


Run the following python script to perform 3D reconstruction from the rosbag (with the estimated camera pose recorded in /tf topic from map frame to imu frame) at <bag-path>. The generated PLY mesh is saved as /maya-slam/scene_recon/output_plys/{bag-name}_o3dTSDF{voxel-length}m.ply

python3 ./scene_recon/open3d_tsdf/ <bag-path> --voxel-length <voxel-length> --pose-refine

The TSDF <voxel-length> is specified in meters and should be tuned given the available system RAM resources (i.e., a smaller <voxel-length> gives more detailed geometries but requires more RAM resources).
If the option --pose-refine is specified, perform the additional pose refinement step and save the refined pose trajectory in output_plys/{ply-name}_pose directory. The pose_trajectory.html inside the directory shows the camera pose trajectory visualizations for the SLAM estimate and the refined trajectory.

⚑ We recommend running this dense reconstruction on a powerful system with >64GB RAM ⚑

Some Jupyter Notebooks Containing Draft Code

Some Jupyter notebooks containing draft code are included in scene_recon/notebooks.

Dense Reconstruction #2: openchisel

docker image Dockerfile Estimated compile time
kolinguo/openchisel:v1.0 docker/Dockerfile_openchisel 1-2 minutes

Container for dense 3D mesh reconstruction from RGB-D observations and the estimated camera pose trajectory. Uses OpenChisel to reconstruct the scene.
This docker image has Ubuntu 18.04, CUDA 11.3.1, ROS Melodic, ros-melodic-pcl-ros.

Build & compile codebase

  1. ./ openchisel to pull the docker image and build the container.
  2. cd scene_recon/openchisel && ./ to compile the packages.


Run ./scene_recon/openchisel/ <bag-path> to start the reconstruction from the rosbag (with the estimated camera pose recorded in /tf topic from map frame to imu frame) at <bag-path>. The generated PLY mesh is saved as /maya-slam/scene_recon/output_plys/{bag-name}_openchisel.ply

The script will launch the launch file launch_realsense_maplab.launch. The TSDF <voxel_resolution_m> parameter is specified in meters and can be tuned given the available system RAM resources. However, OpenChisel seems to not function properly when <voxel_resolution_m> is below 0.04 meter (i.e., 4 cm), presumably due to suboptimal implementation.

πŸ“£ We recommend using the Open3D-based maya_recon for dense reconstruction

Split Mesh into Chunks: maya_recon

docker image Dockerfile Estimated compile time
kolinguo/maya_recon:v1.0 docker/Dockerfile_maya_recon No need to compile

Container for splitting mesh into chunks and generating the JSON configuration file to speedup mesh loading and manipulation.
Uses PyVista PolyData.clip_box() function to clip the meshes. Other 3D mesh processing libraries have not yet correctly implemented texture interpolation during mesh clipping (e.g., trimesh issue #1313, Open3D issue #2464).
This docker image has Ubuntu 20.04, CUDA 11.3.1, ROS Noetic, OpenCV 4.2.0, Python 3.8.10 with Jupyter Notebook and requirements.txt.


  1. ./ maya_recon to pull the docker image and build the container.


Run the following python script to split the mesh at <ply-path> into chunks and generate a JSON configuration file. The <box-size> is the chunk side length specified in meters and should be tuned to balance the chunk PLY filesize and the number of split mesh chunks to achieve the optimal mesh loading speed.

python3 ./scene_recon/ <ply-path> --box-size <box-size>

The generated files are saved in /maya-slam/scene_recon/output_plys/{ply-name}_split directory. An example folder structure is shown below

β”œβ”€β”€ d435i_kitchen_2022-06-04-23-39-35_o3dTSDF0.005m_pose_refined.ply
β”œβ”€β”€ d435i_kitchen_2022-06-04-23-39-35_o3dTSDF0.005m_pose_refined_split
β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ meshes
β”‚   β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ chunk_(0,0,0).ply
β”‚   β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ chunk_(0,1,0).ply
β”‚   β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ chunk_(-1,-1,0).ply
β”‚   β”‚Β Β  β”œβ”€β”€ chunk_(1,0,0).ply
β”‚   β”‚Β Β  └── ...
│   └── config.json
└── ...

⚑ We recommend running this mesh splitting on a powerful system with 32GB RAM ⚑

Visualize Meshes: maya_recon

docker image Dockerfile Estimated compile time
kolinguo/maya_recon:v1.0 docker/Dockerfile_maya_recon No need to compile

Container for visualizing PLY meshes or the split mesh chunks.
Uses PyVista to load and visualize the meshes due to its great efficiency of processing very large meshes compared to other 3D mesh processing libraries (e.g., trimesh and Open3D).
This docker image has Ubuntu 20.04, CUDA 11.3.1, ROS Noetic, OpenCV 4.2.0, Python 3.8.10 with Jupyter Notebook and requirements.txt.


  1. ./ maya_recon to pull the docker image and build the container.


Run the following python script to visualize the mesh or the split mesh chunks at <ply-path> (supports up to 4 meshes at the same time, usage examples can be found in the python script

python3 ./tools/ <ply-path>...

Video and Report

You can check out our video description below and our final report here.
Video description


  1. GitHub of maplab
  2. GitHub of ORB-SLAM3
  3. GitHub of OpenChisel