KIRA Network - useful tools & scripts
All files in KIRA repositories are always signed with cosign
Cosign requires simple initial setup of the signer keys described more precisely here
# install cosign
COSIGN_VERSION="v2.2.3" && \
if [[ "$(uname -m)" == *"ar"* ]] ; then ARCH="arm64"; else ARCH="amd64" ; fi && echo $ARCH && \
PLATFORM=$(uname) && FILE=$(echo "cosign-${PLATFORM}-${ARCH}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') && \
wget${COSIGN_VERSION}/$FILE && chmod +x -v ./$FILE && \
mv -fv ./$FILE /usr/local/bin/cosign && cosign version
# save KIRA public cosign key
KIRA_COSIGN_PUB=/usr/keys/ && mkdir -p $KIRA_COSIGN_PUB && \
cat > ./ << EOL
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
# download desired files and the corresponding .sig file from:
# verify signature of downloaded files
# NOTE: You might need insecure-ignore-tlog and/or insecure-ignore-sct if you verify old signatures from before v2.0.0
cosign verify-blob --key=./ --signature=./<file>.sig ./<file> --insecure-ignore-tlog --insecure-ignore-sct
KIRA bash-utils (BU) is a general purpose tool for simplifying scripts & commands
# one line install
TOOLS_VERSION="v0.3.54" && cd /tmp && FILE_NAME="" && \
wget "$TOOLS_VERSION/${FILE_NAME}.sig" -O ./${FILE_NAME}.sig && \
cosign verify-blob --key="$KIRA_COSIGN_PUB" --signature=./${FILE_NAME}.sig ./$FILE_NAME --insecure-ignore-tlog && \
chmod -v 555 ./$FILE_NAME && ./$FILE_NAME bashUtilsSetup "/var/kiraglob" && . /etc/profile && \
echoInfo "Installed bash-utils $(bashUtilsVersion)"
A simple and secure bip39 words generator that is able to mix computer and human provided entropy
# once BU is installed, you can easily and securely install all tools for a relevant architecture and platform
# one line install with verification of IPFS CID referencing a public key used to sign the release
TOOLS_VERSION="v0.3.54" && TOOL_NAME="bip39gen" && cd /tmp && \
bu safeWget ./${TOOL_NAME}.deb "$TOOLS_VERSION/${TOOL_NAME}-$(getPlatform)-$(getArch).deb" \
"QmeqFDLGfwoWgCy2ZEFXerVC5XW8c5xgRyhK5bLArBr2ue" && rm -rfv ./$TOOL_NAME&& dpkg-deb -x ./${TOOL_NAME}.deb ./$TOOL_NAME && \
cp -fv ./$TOOL_NAME/bin/$TOOL_NAME /usr/local/bin/$TOOL_NAME && chmod +x "/usr/local/bin/$TOOL_NAME" && \
rm -rfv ./$TOOL_NAME ./${TOOL_NAME}.deb
# Check bip39gen version
bip39gen version