SmpleKye is an information security challenge in the Web category, and was presented to participants of KAF CTF 2019
No story
Basic POW (Bruteforcing hashes)
const LEN = 7;
$to = "00";
function r($to){
foreach(str_split("01234567890abcdef") as $c){
if(strlen($to) === LEN - 1){
if(strpos(hash("sha256", $to . $c), $to . $c) !== false)
echo $to . $c . "\n";
r($to . $c);
Clone the repository, then type the following command to build the container:
docker build . -t smplekye
To run the challenge, execute the following command:
docker run --rm -d -p 1080:80 smplekye
You may now access the challenge interface through your browser: http://localhost:1080
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