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Add more commands to the server.
Requires Java 17 or higher!

This plugin was created because the creators were very angry with too many Griefers in Mindustry 4.0 Alpha version.
To create this plugin, I'm spent all night studying a programming language I hadn't looked at in my entire life. lol

Basically, this plugin focuses on finding cheats and griefers, but it adds additional features to make it useful on other servers as well.


Put this plugin in the <server folder location>/config/mods folder.

Client commands

Command Parameter Description
changename <target> <new_name> Change player name
changepw <new_password> <password_repeat> Change account password.
changemap <name> [gamemode] Change the world or gamemode immediately.
chars <text...> Make pixel texts on ground.
chat <on/off> Mute all players without admins
color Enable color nickname
dps Create damage per seconds meter block
effect <on/off/level> [color] Turn other players' effects on or off, or set effects and colors for each level.
exp <set/hide/add/remove> [values/player] [player] Edit account exp values
fillitems [team] Fill the core with items.
freeze <player> Stop player unit movement
gg [team] Make game over immediately.
god [player] Set max player health
help [page] Show command lists
hub <parameter> [ip] [parameters...] Create a server to server point.
hud <health/apm> Enable information on screen
info [player...] Show player info
js [code...] Execute JavaScript code
kickall Kick all players without you.
kill [player] Kill player's unit.
killall [team] Kill all enemy units
killunit <name> [amount] [team] Destroy specific units
lang <language_tag> Set the language for current account
log Enable block history view mode
maps [page] Show server map lists
meme <type> Enjoy mindustry meme features!
motd Show server's message of the day
mute <player> Mute player
pause Pause or Unpause map
players [page] Show current players list
ranking <time/exp/attack/place/break/pvp> [page] Show player ranking
rollback <player> Undo all actions taken by the player.
setitem <item> <amount> [team] Set item to team core
setperm <player> <group> Set the player's permission group.
skip <wave> Start n wave immediately
spawn <unit/block> <name> [amount/rotate] Spawn units or block at the player's current location.
status Show current server status
strict <player> Set whether the target player can build or not.
t <message...> Send a meaage only to your teammates.
team <team> [name] Set player team
time Show current server time
tp <player> Teleport to other players
tpp [player] Lock on camera the target player
track Display the mouse positions of players.
unban <player> Unban player
unmute <player> Unmute player
url <command> Opens a URL contained in a specific command.
vote <kick/map/gg/skip/back/random> [player/amount/world] [reason] Start voting
votekick <player> Start kick voting
weather <weather> <seconds> Adds a weather effect to the map.

Server commands

Command Parameter Description
chat <on/off> Mute all players without admins
freeze <player> Stop player unit movement
gen Generate wiki docs
kickall Kick all players.
kill <player> Kill player's unit
killall [team] Kill all units
killunit <name> [amount] [team] Destroy specific units
mute <player> Mute player
reload Reload essential plugin configs.
setperm <player> <group> Set the player's permission group.
strict <player> Set whether the target player can build or not.
team <team> <name> Set player team
tempban <player> <time> [reason] Ban the player for aa certain peroid of time
unload unload essential plugin (experimental)
unmute <player> Unmute player Generated time: 2024-07-05 13:32:46

Contribute guide

File description

  • Main - Execute various settings and services to start the plugin.
  • Bundle - It's used to add various languages to the plugin.
  • Commands - Add server/client commands.
  • Config - Loads or saves settings used by the plugin.
  • DB - Save and load using SQLite to store player data.
  • Event - It works when an event occurs within the game.
  • FileWatchService - A service that monitors permissions and config files so that they are applied in real time when you modify them.
  • Permission - Read the permission file and check the permissions between players.
  • PluginData - Save and load using SQLite to store plugin data.
  • Trigger - Save and load player data, start ban sharing server/client, added feature triggers.


Free License

You can copy and modify my source code and claim it as your own!
Because if you want to implement a specific features, the source code will be the same after all lol