Steps to install PostgreSQL+PostGIS on Stampede2 at TACC
Installation of a containerized instance of PostgreSQL in a high performance computing environment (Stampede2)
Containerized PostgreSQL is a useful step to create, manage, and access PostgreSQL databases directly on an HPC environment.
Containerizing the database software enables use by HPC web-portals such as:
- This has been tested on Stampede2 supercomputer at @TACC
- This can only be run on allocated computational nodes. On Stampede2 the max allocated time available is 5 days
- Docker or Singularity
- Shell environment, eg
, etc
If on a login node, then enter a computational node by executing the following command:
The following environment variables may need to be set before continuing
export POSTGRES_PASS=password
export POSTGRES_USER=postgres
export POSTGRES_DB=postgres
To verify if the environment variables are correctly set, the following command can be used
env | grep POSTGRES*
module load tacc-singularity
singularity pull docker://postgres ## singularity pull has to be done only once
SINGULARITYENV_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pgpass SINGULARITYENV_PGDATA=$SCRATCH/pgdata singularity run --cleanenv --bind $SCRATCH:/var postgres_latest.sif &
singularity pull docker://postgis/postgis ## singularity pull has to be done only once
SINGULARITYENV_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pgpass SINGULARITYENV_PGDATA=$SCRATCH/pgdata singularity run --cleanenv --bind $SCRATCH:/var postgis_latest.sif &
LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
Press enter to get back the command prompt and then run the following command to connect to the PostgreSQL database instance
SINGULARITYENV_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pgpass SINGULARITYENV_PGDATA=$SCRATCH/pgdata singularity exec --cleanenv --bind $SCRATCH:/var postgres_latest.sif psql -U postgres -d postgres -h
(Note: There is an existing version of psql
on Stampede2, we suggest using psql
from the Singularity image like shown above.)
Note : Instead of SCRATCH/pgdata you can use any database on stampede2 that you have access to.
1) intel/18.0.2 3) impi/18.0.2 5) autotools/1.1 7) cmake/3.16.1 9) TACC
2) libfabric/1.7.0 4) git/2.24.1 6) python2/2.7.15 8) xalt/2.10.2
is available on Stampede2 without relying on Singularity/Docker. We have not tested here strictly using the pre-installed PostgreSQL software to initiate a database instance.