Mod derived from Steambound Reloaded and Vesselbound's ideas Credits: *TP for making steambound reloaded, which this mod is based on. *cratesmith, for vesselbound, another source of ideas. *thegamemaster1234 (Lucca) for some shiny code contributions (round robin, even split, and moving in multiples) *mousefrost for new filter options *hubnester for massively boosting terminal performance. Terminal limit is now around 13k items instead of just 1k. *sayter for router UI graphical update
1.9.6 *implemented caching system in liquidlib and transferutil scripts. *transferutil now enforces item stack caps in throwItemsAt function.
1.9.5 *removed repeating from ITDs. *removed looping from repeaters *added warning alarm and sprite color state to repeaters *extended some tooltips
1.9.4 *correct output filtration logic in case of output list consisting solely of values outside a destination container's range
1.9 *routers now have 2 new filter options *object descriptions updated *quarry ranges updated *old money router finally removed fully
1.6 *recipes all adjusted. now unlocked by picking up silicon boards and iron bars. unhandled item token now available.
1.4.2: *Giant spiked nerfbat for balance reasons: ITDs, MTDs and grabbers now require teleporter cores.
1.4.1: *fixed an ancient routing bug I missed, that involves not having an item in the ITD's first slot *tentative workaroundish fix for terminals acting up. Refresh if it loses sight
1.4: *fixed bridges not properly clearing their lists (big sorry. ugh) *iron and titanium quarries and pumps now available. *overall nerfs to effectiveness and range.
1.3: *even split and round robin methods added to ITDs. and moving by stack. try putting 2 of a filter item in, it'll only attempt to move in multiples of 2! *money router. routes currencies *'unhandled' special token for items that the router doesn't understand *categories are now part of a (patchable) config file. *capacity sensors! tells you whether a container has some slots filled, and whether it has all of them filled. *storage bridge v2, which has built in capacity sensors