This project implements a dashboard analyzing twitter topics. Currently implemented are the topics Cloud, Developer and Germany. All incoming tweets are analyzed to get the most used Hashtags and the users with the most recent tweets about this topic.
Therefore, the project uses:
- Confluent with Apache Kafka and KSQL
- Node Express.js-Backend
- Angular 6 Frontend
- Install Confluent
- Start confluent with
confluent start
- Compile Kafka-Connect-Module with
$ cd kafka-connect-twitter
$ mvn clean package
$ cd target
$ tar -xvf kafka-connect-twitter-0.2-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz
To get Kafka Connect use the connector, the schema-registry configuration file needs to be modified
needs the following line added:
Restart confluent Connect:
$ confluent stop connect
$ confluent start connect
After the Twitter API keys are added to twitter_germany.json
, it can be loaded.
$ confluent load twitter_germany -d twitter-germany.json
Make sure tweets are displayed running:
$ kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --from-beginning --topic twitter_germany|jq '.Text'
Start KSQL with the command ksql
There you can simply run the repo's startup.sql script.
> RUN SCRIPT 'REPO/startup.sql';
If the script executed successfully, the displayed message field is empty.
Install Angular CLI with
$ npm install -g @angular/cli
To build the app, cd to client app and use Angular's build command:
$ cd twitter-dashboard
$ npm install
$ ng build
First, install typescript compiler:
$ npm install -g typescript
Transpile the project with the command:
$ cd server
$ npm install
$ tsc -p .
Use node to run it:
$ node app.js
Visit localhost:8080
Modify etc/kafka/
Add the line:
listeners = PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092
For Production environments, 32 GB RAM are recommended. Minimum requirements are 4 GB.
After some days running, Kafka runs out of memory when using 4 GB. This is due to tweets being saved for 7 days. You can reduce this by reducing log.retention.hours setting in etc/kafka/
To reload a topic you, need to load and unload it:
$ confluent unload twitter_germany
$ confluent load twitter_germany -d twitter-germany.json
Certain KSQL streams and tables could be created by:
CREATE STREAM germany_raw (CreatedAt bigint,Id bigint, Text VARCHAR, SOURCE VARCHAR, Truncated VARCHAR, InReplyToStatusId VARCHAR, InReplyToUserId VARCHAR, InReplyToScreenName VARCHAR, GeoLocation VARCHAR, Place VARCHAR, Favorited VARCHAR, Retweeted VARCHAR, FavoriteCount VARCHAR, User VARCHAR, Retweet VARCHAR, Contributors VARCHAR, RetweetCount VARCHAR, RetweetedByMe VARCHAR, CurrentUserRetweetId VARCHAR, PossiblySensitive VARCHAR, Lang VARCHAR, WithheldInCountries VARCHAR, HashtagEntities VARCHAR, UserMentionEntities VARCHAR, MediaEntities VARCHAR, SymbolEntities VARCHAR, URLEntities VARCHAR) WITH (KAFKA_TOPIC='twitter_germany',VALUE_FORMAT='JSON');
CREATE STREAM germany AS SELECT TIMESTAMPTOSTRING(CreatedAt, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS') AS CreatedAt, EXTRACTJSONFIELD(user,'$.Name') AS user_Name, Text,hashtagentities FROM germany_raw ;
CREATE TABLE user_germany_count AS SELECT user_screenname, count(*) AS tweet_count FROM germany WINDOW TUMBLING (SIZE 1 HOUR) GROUP BY user_screenname ;