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What is miR-MaGiC?

miR-MaGiC (miRNA quantification by group collapsing) is a pipeline for miRNA expression quantification from small RNA-seq. miR-MaGiC is distinct from common tools in that it (1) performs highly stringent mapping to mature miRNA sequences, minimizing the number of ambiguous mappings, and (2) performs collapsing of counts over functional equivalence classes of miRNAs, instead of reporting counts for individual miRNAs. The pipeline is defined in a Snakemake workflow and consists of standalone Java programs.

What isn't miR-MaGiC?

miR-MaGiC reports estimated counts for functional equivalence classes of miRNAs. It does not perform normalization or differential expression analysis.


Russell et al. "miR-MaGiC improves quantification accuracy for small RNA-seq". BMC Research Notes 2018 11:296


  • Java version 8 (or higher when available)
  • Snakemake version 3.10.2 or higher


There is nothing to install. Just clone or download this repository.

What's included in the repository?

Snakemake workflow

The workflow is defined in pipeline/Snakefile.

Workflow components

Workflow steps are Java programs provided as runnable .jar files in pipeline/.

Sample functional group tables

miR-MaGiC combines counts at the level of functional groups of miRNAs. The grouping is provided by the user in a table (see Usage below). Recommended tables based on miRBase version 21 are provided for several species in resources/group_tables/.

Source code

The Java source code for pipeline steps is in src/mirmagic/.

Scripts and resources to reproduce the results in the miR-MaGiC paper

These are in paper/ with a separate README.



(See explanation of parameters below.)

  • Pipeline components (this repository)
  • Fastq file of small RNA-seq reads
  • Fasta file of mature miRNA sequences
  • Table of functional groups of miRNAs

Running miR-MaGiC

The pipeline is executed by invoking the snakemake command with arguments specifying the parameters.

Sample command line

snakemake \ 
--directory /path/to/directory/containing/Snakefile/and/configjson/ \ 
--snakefile /full/path/to/Snakefile \
--config \
outdir=/path/to/output/directory/ \
fastq=/path/to/fastq.fastq \
mirna=/path/to/mirnas.fasta \
mirna_gp=/path/to/functional/groups/table.txt \
jar=/path/to/miR-MaGiC/pipeline/ \
k=20 \

Explanation of command line parameters

All parameters are required.

In the descriptions below, $MIRMAGIC_DIR refers to the root directory of the miR-MaGiC repository on your machine.

  • --directory The directory containing the Snakefile and config.json. If you leave the repository contents as downloaded, this will be $MIRMAGIC_DIR/pipeline/.
  • --snakefile The full path to the Snakefile. If you leave the repository contents as downloaded, this will be $MIRMAGIC_DIR/pipeline/Snakefile.
  • --config The job configuration to pass to Snakemake. This is where you specify run-specific parameters. The value is of the form [KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]]. All run-specific parameters are required. If a parameter is missing, the workflow will die with an error message specifying the missing parameter.
    • outdir Directory to write output to
    • fastq Input fastq file
    • mirna Fasta file of mature miRNA sequences with the same nucleotide bases as the fastq file (be careful with T vs. U). Fasta sequence names must contain no whitespace. For example, this can be derived from the miRBase database. In that case, you will need to extract the miRNAs for your species and format the file as described (no whitespace in names; same nucleotide bases as reads). Furthermore, as miR-MaGiC accepts only perfect matches of length k (see k below) between reads and miRNAs, it is recommended that the miRNA database incorporate genetic variability if available. This could be derived from individual genotypes for the samples used, or from a database of variability in the species if available. In that case, all alleles of a given miRNA should be included in the same functional equivalence class (see mirna_gp below).
    • mirna_gp Table specifying functional equivalence classes of miRNAs. These are intended to be groups of miRNAs that are functionally equivalent for the goals of the study. Reads that map to multiple members of a group are only counted once for the group. Final counts are reported at the level of groups. The table should contain one line for each miRNA in the fasta file mirna. Each line has two fields separated by whitespace: <miRNA_id> and <group_id>. Recommended tables derived from miRBase version 21 are provided for several species in $MIRMAGIC_DIR/resources/group_tables/.
    • jar The directory containing the runnable .jar files for the pipeline. If you leave the repository contents as downloaded, this will be $MIRMAGIC_DIR/pipeline/.
    • k The length of perfect matches to require between reads and miRNA sequences. A read is matched to a miRNA if they contain identical subsequences of length k; the rest of the read and miRNA are ignored in that case. miRNAs shorter than k bases are allowed to have a perfect match of their full length instead of requiring a match of length k. Recommended: k=20.
    • plus_strand_only Do not count reverse complement matches. Possible values: True, False. Use True if the library prep protocol was strand specific such that all reads are expected to match the transcription strand.


In the provided output directory, miR-MaGiC writes a file whose name begins with final_counts and includes the fastq file name. Each line of the file has two fields: the name of a functional group of miRNAs, and the total number of reads matched to that group. If a read matches more than one miRNA in a group, it is only counted once for the group. Groups with zero count are not included in the output.