This app explores non-native multicast streaming for live video content.
Disclaimer: this repository is slightly out of date; currently working to get all changes committed.
- Stream camera to unicast2multicast translator via FFmpeg
- Camera preview
- UI Design
- Add AMT Gateway implementation
- Integrate AMT Gateway
- Integrate with Multicast Menu stream scraping
- Full screen for camera and stream viewing
- Fix stream encoding
- Native Multicast?
For the development environment to work, you will need FFmpeg installed and working on your device. As tested, the development environment works in Linux; the Kivy camera implementation does not work in a Windows development environment.
- You must download the following libraries (using pip install): kivy, kivymd, pillow, ffpyplayer
- Run to open the dev environment ( is a version of the app that uses dummy thumbnails and videos to mimic viewing a live stream as the AMT gateway has not been integrated yet into the app).
- To build for Android or iOS, consult the documentation for Buildozer
Pull requests and feature suggestions welcome!