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v99 - CPU

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@kaggleteam kaggleteam released this 30 Mar 17:11

[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]

== Comparing pip freeze ==
absl-py==0.10.0						      |	absl-py==0.12.0
alembic==1.5.7						      |	alembic==1.5.8
allennlp==2.1.0						      |	allennlp==2.2.0
bayespy==0.5.21						      |	bayespy==0.5.22
boto3==1.17.27						      |	boto3==1.17.40
botocore==1.20.27					      |	botocore==1.20.40
catalyst==20.12						      |	catalyst==21.3.2
catboost==0.24.4					      |	catboost==0.25
colorlog==4.7.2						      |	colorlog==4.8.0
convertdate==2.3.1					      |	convertdate==2.3.2
cysignals==1.10.2					      |	cysignals==1.10.3
dask==2021.3.0						      |	dask==2021.3.1
datashader==0.12.0					      |	datashader==0.12.1
dipy==1.3.0						      |	dipy==1.4.0
distributed==2021.3.0					      |	distributed==2021.3.1
dlib==19.21.1						      |	dlib==19.22.0
earthengine-api==0.1.256				      |	earthengine-api==0.1.258
  						      >	easyocr==
flake8==3.8.4						      |	flake8==3.9.0
fury==0.6.1						      |	fury==0.7.0
gensim==3.8.3						      |	gensim==4.0.0
geoviews==1.8.1						      |	geoviews==1.9.1
gluoncv==0.10.0						      |	gluoncv==0.10.1
google-cloud-bigquery-storage==1.0.0			      <
h2o==						      |	h2o==
hiredis==1.1.0						      |	hiredis==2.0.0
humanize==3.2.0						      |	humanize==3.3.0
hypothesis==6.8.0					      |	hypothesis==6.8.3
jupyter-console==6.2.0					      |	jupyter-console==6.4.0
kmapper==1.4.1						      |	kmapper==2.0.0
kornia==0.4.1						      |	kornia==0.5.0
learntools @ git+ |	learntools @ git+
libcst==0.3.17						      |	libcst==0.3.18
line-profiler==3.1.0					      |	line-profiler==3.2.0
lxml==4.6.2						      |	lxml==4.6.3
matplotlib @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifact |	matplotlib==3.4.0
mizani==0.7.2						      |	mizani==0.7.3
mxnet==1.7.0.post2					      |	mxnet==1.8.0.post0
numpy @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artifacts/num |	numpy==1.19.5
panel==0.11.0						      |	panel==0.11.1
PDPbox @ git+ |	PDPbox @ git+
plotnine==0.7.1						      |	plotnine==0.8.0
portalocker==2.2.1					      |	portalocker==2.3.0
proto-plus==1.17.0					      |	proto-plus==1.18.1
py-spy==0.3.4						      |	py-spy==0.3.5
pycairo==1.20.0						      |	pycodestyle==2.7.0
pycodestyle==2.6.0					      <
pydash==4.9.3						      |	pydash==5.0.0
pyflakes==2.2.0						      |	pyflakes==2.3.1
pyLDAvis==3.2.2						      |	pyLDAvis==3.3.1
pymc3==3.11.1						      |	pymc3==3.11.2
PyMeeus==0.5.9						      |	PyMeeus==0.5.11
  						      >	python-bidi==0.4.2
python-igraph @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artif |	python-igraph @ file:///home/conda/feedstock_root/build_artif
pytorch-lightning==1.2.3				      |	pytorch-lightning==1.2.5
qtconsole==5.0.2					      |	qtconsole==5.0.3
s3transfer==0.3.4					      |	s3transfer==0.3.6
  						      >	semver==2.13.0
  						      >	sklearn==0.0
smart-open==4.2.0					      |	smart-open==5.0.0
tensorflow-metadata==0.28.0				      |	tensorflow-metadata==0.29.0
tifffile==2021.3.5					      |	tifffile==2021.3.17
  						      >	torchmetrics==0.2.0
transformers==4.3.3					      |	transformers==4.4.2
wandb==0.10.22						      |	wandb==0.10.23
== Comparing cat /etc/os-release | grep -oP "PRETTY_NAME=\"\K([^\"]*)" ==
No diff
== Comparing uname -r ==
No diff
== Comparing dpkg --list | awk '{print $2"=="$3}' ==
google-cloud-sdk==331.0.0-0				      |	google-cloud-sdk==333.0.0-0
libglib2.0-0:amd64==2.56.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.7		      |	libglib2.0-0:amd64==2.56.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.8