This project provides the back-end service layer for the Digital Pathology Repository for the Kidney Precision Medicine Project.
To generate the script that creates the symbolic links to the DeepZoom assets:
5. Bash into the Spring container docker exec -it delphinus-spring bash
6. Rebuild the delphinus-data jar ./gradlew build
7. Run the link script generator java -cp build/libs/delphinus-data-1.0.jar -Dloader.main=org.kpmp.GenerateLinkScript org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher
8. Exit the container and cp the file to where the DeepZoom links are kept docker cp delphinus-spring:/home/gradle/ /data//deepZoomImages
./gradlew build docker
The default tag is the github branch name if no verison is provided
To pass a version when building the docker image execute
./gradlew build docker -Ptag=<tagNumber>